Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
DnD races, and5e featsyou should pick up to make your mighty shoves even mightier. Even if you already knowhow to play Dungeons and Dragons, we might have something new to teach you.
How all DnD 2024 feats have changed from fifth edition 2 weeks ago New DnD Monster Manual's first errata is out (Carrion Crawlers are still busted) 2 weeks ago All DnD races and species explained 2 weeks ago Did you miss this... ...
The “floating” bonus feat is nice, of course, but a cleric isn’t really strapped for feats. Divine focus and cleric spellcasting are completely incompatible with one another, and they don’t help each in any way. You can’t even use chameleon spellcasting to qualify for feats and pres...
New classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities, etc. (17294 items) Open Game Content Pages published under the OGL. A work in progress. (4873 items) System Reference Document Pages published by WotC that are allowed to be on D&D Wiki. ...
Best races Best proficiencies Best background Best Feats Best subclasses If your favorite characters have a penchant for bows, daggers, skullduggery, and hooded cloaks that are perfect for brooding in, the DnD Rogue class will suit you. These ne'er do-wells are an essential member of ...
and an Origin feat specified to your background. While gaining a feat as part of your background is new to the core rules in the2024 Player’s Handbook,we have observed some feats provided at character creation previously as part of optional custom lineage rules inTasha’s Cauldron of Every...
六——新种族 New Races。 除了在 《玩家手册》 中发现的普通玩家角色种族外,玩家还可以选择在艾伯伦中扮演兽人或哥布林角色。 或者他们可以选择四个新种族中的一个:幻身灵changelings 、 离梦人 kalashtar 、 化兽者 shifters 和战俑 warforged 。幻身灵的变形能力和二重身 doppelgangers 差不多。离梦人是与人...
Races Backgrounds Heroic Chronicle Classes Items Feats Racial Feats Miscellaneous Homebrew UA All Spells •Artificer Spells •Bard Spells •Cleric Spells •Druid Spells •Paladin Spells •Ranger Spells •Sorcerer Spells •Warlock Spells ...
Finally, some races can apply double proficiency for very, very specific means. These include: Dwarves, whose Stonecunning ability allows them to gain proficiency in History checks and double their proficiency bonus of those checks, but only when thinking about stonework. Rock Gnomes, whose Artifice...