Make sure to assign control of that token to the right player, too – they’ll need that to move it around your maps. We already talked about token features in the player section of this tutorial, but there’s one more thing a GM should know about them. This is that they can be ad...
I use this most often in conjunction with the Wall Height module to trigger a macro that automatically adjusts a token's height by passing in the "elevation" of the current terrain. If you want a trigger to activate whenever a player lands on a spot, this is the module for you....
再接着展开说,jrpg无可争议的“万物起源”——《勇者斗恶龙》系列,及后世以其为基础开发的RPG Maker,其数值判定更是在程序上掷骰。 所以我就不是很懂,大家究竟是讨厌掷骰,还 17189410577 哟_很累呀吧 苍白残留 龙与地下城阵营测试 似乎很有趣啊口胡h t tp://