2024's Books 2024 Player’s Handbook PDF The Book of Many Things Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Vecna: Eve of Ruin Quests from the Infinite
The people who are eager to have some material in-game advantage have some options available to them for the Rogue class. The Player’s Handbook has the wood elf, which has 5ft extra movement speed and more options for hiding outdoors, and the halfling, which can move through larger creatu...
Chromatic Orb 5E October 9, 2021by BillyNo Comments Chromatic Orb 5E, found on page 221 of the Player’s... Share: Reading time: 5 min DMs & Players Guide to Everything Bladesinger 5E September 20, 2021by Billy4 Comments There’s something iconic about a character in D&D rushing into....
一般来说,每一版DND的基本规则书都可以分为《玩家手册》Player's Handbook、《地下城主指南》Dungeon Master's Guide与《怪物图鉴》Monster Manual三本,通称“三宝书”,4E也不例外。《玩家手册》主要详述了游戏的规则,并包含PC创建人物所需的基本资源;《地下城主指南》则会对DM的工作作出指导和建议,并阐述一些...
DnD 5e Blog + Resources for Adventurers and DMs DnD Lounge provides spell guides, rules tutorials, character creation generators, short adventures, and other DnD-related goodies. Our Portfolio Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Regi
There’s a DnD 2024 character sheet PDF on D&DBeyond that you can download, but you have to print it if you want to fill it out. If you own a copy of the 2024 Player’s Handbook, you can find the new, official character sheet on pages 34 and 35. This can be photocopied and ...
3RDMG 英文PDF http://www.namipan.com/d/3.5e%20-%20Dungeon%20Masters%20Guide.pdf/7cbe7f1bd...
Let's Trade 5e v0.3.0Replaces Give Item to Another Player for the Foundry 0.8.x upgrade. This module adds an option in players' character sheets to send items to and from other characters. Super useful. The only issue right now is that existing items don't get merged, but it's ...
There are a few key stats such as AC, hit points, and passive perception that are helpful to keep on hand which can easily be done by a player tracker. Improved PDF from original form-fillable DnD 5e Encounter Crib Sheet by David Black....
手动对比名单如下,欢迎核对: Complete Champion Complete Mage Complete Scoundrel Magic Item Compendium Player's Handbook 2 Tome of Battle 以上。 龙路克 2-20 66 【六巫翻译】六巫のDND4E《怪物图鉴3》翻译 六花团长... 4E大法好!4E大法好!4E大法好好好! 封面罗丝镇楼 泡壶茶弄... 8-27 ...