附录B:多元宇宙诸神 Appendix B: Gods of the Multiverse 附录C:存在位面 Appendix C: The Planes of Existence 物质位面 The Material Plane 物质界外 Beyond the Material 附录D:生物资料 Appendix D: Creature Statistics 附录E:启蒙读物 Appendix E: Inspirational Reading 索引Index ...
的沉重的橡木架子上(很多卷册只能通过活化梯子来取得,这些梯子可以被命令到适合的架子边),主题涉及到任何不可思议的东西,包括奥术施法者的哲学观、涉及到野兽、神和宝物的神秘的传说和真相、关于魔法源的无数理论、讨论黑暗艺术的被牢牢锁住的书籍(仅供参考)、listsof theoretical alternate planes of existence和更多...
The vast, complex universe of Dungeons and Dragons’ Forgotten Realms contains numerous planes of existence other than the regular, material plane, many of which are dark and full and terrors – but theShadowfell, also called the Plane of Shadow, may be the bleakest. If you want to venture ...
Appendix PH-C: The Planes of Existence Appendix MM-A: Miscellaneous Creatures Appendix MM-B: Nonplayer Characters Final Words: Keep on going through all these indexes to know about the game more. We will be adding more features to theDND 5E pagehere at axeetech.com in the coming days. ...
附录C:存在位面The Planes of Existence 物质位面The Material Plane 物质界外Beyond the Material 附录D:生物资料Creature Statistics 附录E:启蒙读物Inspirational Reading 索引Index 2 . 前言Preface 距今很久很久的从前,在一个名为美利坚合众国中西部 的地区(具体在明尼苏达和威斯康星之间的地区),一群朋友 ...
Plane Shift: This allows you to get rid of creatures permanently – or lets you and your party travel all over the multi-faceted planes of existence. Both in and out of combat, it’s a spell you’ll use frequently. Regenerate: Although severed limbs are hard to come by in 5e, it’s...
Your Intelligence (Arcana) check measures your ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes. History Your Intelligence (History) check measures your ability to recall lore about historical events,...
Elves of Evermeet, Giantcraft, the Draconomicon and orher FORGOTTEN REALMS setting products, as well as the numerous RLANESCARE campaign setting products detailing the different planes of existence in the AD&D’s game.(Future sourcebooks on the deities of the Realms will deal with these popular...
存在位面 C The Planes of Existence 财富Wealth 护甲与盾牌Armor and Shields 物质位面The Material Plane 武器Weapons 物质界外Beyond the Material 冒险用品Adventuring Gear 工具Tools 附录 :生物资料 D Creature Statistics 坐骑与载具Mounts and Vehicles 贸易商品Trade Goods 附录 :启蒙读物 E Inspirational Reading ...
The worlds of the Dungeons & Dragons game exist within a vast cosmos called the multiverse, connected in strange and mysterious ways to one another and to other planes of existence, such as the Elemental Plane of Fire and the Infinite Depths of the Abyss. Within this multiverse are an endles...