别称:水之王The Water Lord,水元素之王King of the Water Elementals 圣徽: 翻腾的浪涛 居住界域:水元素界Elemental Plane of Water 阵营:绝对中立N 神职:水元素Elemental Water,以水净化Purification 信徒:吟游诗人,元素使者(水),水手,旅行者 牧师阵营:中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE...
别称:水之王The Water Lord,水元素之王King of the Water Elementals 圣徽: 翻腾的浪涛 居住界域:水元素界Elemental Plane of Water 阵营:绝对中立N 神职:水元素Elemental Water,以水净化Purification 信徒:吟游诗人,元素使者(水),水手,旅行者 牧师阵营:中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE...
7)蓝 水元素位面 The WaterElemental Planes8)橙 灵界/以太位面The Etherial Plane9)淡蓝 星界 The AstralPlane10)蓝 七重天堂The SevenHeavens11)淡蓝 享猎乐土The HappyHunting Grounds12)蓝 孪生伊甸The TwinParadises13)淡蓝 奥林匹亚Olympus14)蓝 极乐境Elysium15)蓝/灰 英灵殿Gladsheim16)灰 混沌海Limbo17)...
其中,巨灵genie族(包括气巨灵djinn和火巨灵efreet)在元素位面里是最重要的文明物种。其他元素生物有火矮人azers、隐形追猎者invisible stalker和水诡water weird等。 精类Fey是与自然力量密切相关的魔法生物。它们栖息在暮色环绕的丛林以及迷雾弥漫的森林中。某种意义上,它们与妖精荒野Feywild(或称妖精位面Plane of Faer...
7)蓝 水元素位面 The WaterElemental Planes8)橙 灵界/以太位面The Etherial Plane9)淡蓝 星界 The AstralPlane10)蓝 七重天堂The SevenHeavens11)淡蓝 享猎乐土The HappyHunting Grounds12)蓝 孪生伊甸The TwinParadises13)淡蓝 奥林匹亚Olympus14)蓝 极乐境Elysium15)蓝/灰 英灵殿Gladsheim16)灰 混沌海Limbo17)...
Random Elemental Plane of Water Encounters- From navigating treacherous coral labyrinths to uncovering submerged temples dedicated to forgotten water deities, this generator dives deep into the possibilities of the aqueous abyss. It's a realm of fluid encounters and submerged secrets. ...
PS:A = Plane Shift: Amonkhet WGE = Wayfinder’s Guide To Eberron PS:In = Plane Shift: Innistrad Now we have to know the Features and proficiency’s of thednd background 5e. So from the below lines we can get to know them.
Aasimar is one of the most popular characters of the D&D 5e Races game that makes it easy to take down justice for you.Vision: Darkvision Homeland: Prime Material, Plane, Celestial Planes Language: Common, Celestial Subraces: Deva Size: Medium Tag: Aasimar Type: Humanoid Hair colors: Red,...
•Waterdhavian Noble •Witchlight Hand AL: Curse of Strahd •Black Fist Double Agent •Dragon Casualty •Iron Route Bandit •Phlan Insurgent •Stojanow Prisoner •Ticklebelly Nomad AL: Mulmaster •Caravan Specialist •Earthspur Miner ...
7)蓝 水元素位面 The WaterElemental Planes8)橙 灵界/以太位面The Etherial Plane9)淡蓝 星界 The AstralPlane10)蓝 七重天堂The SevenHeavens11)淡蓝 享猎乐土The HappyHunting Grounds12)蓝 孪生伊甸The TwinParadises13)淡蓝 奥林匹亚Olympus14)蓝 极乐境Elysium15)蓝/灰 英灵殿Gladsheim16)灰 混沌海Limbo17)...