但是星界投射自己的法术描述是这么写的: To enter one, you leave the Astral Plane, forming a new physical body (and equipment) on the plane of existence you have chosen to enter. 要进入一个(存在位面),你(需要)离开星界,在目标存在位面生成一个新的物质身躯(包括装备)。 ——《DND3R 玩家手册》...
附录A:状态 Appendix A: Conditions 附录B:多元宇宙诸神 Appendix B: Gods of the Multiverse 附录C:存在位面 Appendix C: The Planes of Existence 物质位面 The Material Plane 物质界外 Beyond the Material 附录D:生物资料 Appendix D: Creature Statistics 附录E:启蒙读物 Appendix E: Inspirational Reading 索引...
The figure in the section Planes of Existence (Eberron: Rising from the Last War, ERftLW) clearly states the planet Eberron is in the material plane, but at the same time it seems to be not the Material Plane: indeed, there is a sentence that explain the uniqueness of Eberron ...
If the target is native to the plane of existence you’re on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. If the target is native to a different plane of existence that the one you’re on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane. But what ...
In DnD 5e, the Shadowfell is a desolate, dark plane of existence full of horrors - this guide has all you need to take your DnD party there.
附录C:存在位面The Planes of Existence 物质位面The Material Plane 物质界外Beyond the Material 附录D:生物资料Creature Statistics 附录E:启蒙读物Inspirational Reading 索引Index 2 . 前言Preface 距今很久很久的从前,在一个名为美利坚合众国中西部 的地区(具体在明尼苏达和威斯康星之间的地区),一群朋友 ...
that Hag Eyes are created by Hag covens. Any hag that belongs to the coven that made the Hag Eye can spend an action to see through the magic item. This lasts as long as they can maintain concentration, but it only works if the hag and the eye are on the same plane of existence....
All the Planes of Existence in DnD 5e 12 months ago by Matt Zane There are 25 planes of existence in the cosmology of Dungeons & Dragons: Material Plane: This is the primary plane where most campaign settings and adventures take place. It is… What is a Chaotic Evil Alignment? (With...
The plane of force slapped into place. Pandorym’s vaporous emanation writhed and bucked. The entity didn’t like the obstruction. 来自Android客户端6楼2023-09-21 19:03 回复 水銀之蛇 小吧主 12 The portal at Pandorym’s heart hazed, warped, and wavered, but held. She had hit on a ...
存在位面 C The Planes of Existence 财富Wealth 护甲与盾牌Armor and Shields 物质位面The Material Plane 武器Weapons 物质界外Beyond the Material 冒险用品Adventuring Gear 工具Tools 附录 :生物资料 D Creature Statistics 坐骑与载具Mounts and Vehicles 贸易商品Trade Goods 附录 :启蒙读物 E Inspirational Reading ...