At Wargamer, we reckon some of the most impactful and memorable experiences in tabletop adventures – whether it’sDnDor any other tabletop RPG – come from character deaths. AndPathfinder 2epublisher Paizo clearly agrees, as it’s giving away free copies of the game’s Player Core rulebook (...
Pathfinder free one shots Saving Sprites by Lnphysics (PF 2e) The forest your players live in has experienced some sudden changes: the weather patterns have shifted and plants have been developing new abilities! The party is asked by the town elder to figure out what’s caused these changes....
When 4e hit it did not fit our playstyle so we bounced over to Pathfinder 1e which is what I run them under currently. I’m seriously considering using Rob Schwalb’s fantastic Shadow of the Demon Lord rules for the next generation.I have an entire wiki of conversions I keep private ...
The 1e Wizard version seems to actually imply a sphere of opaque blackness that even blocks infra/ultravision, while the 1e Cleric version is a reversal of the Light spell and creates totally normal darkness, with no block to special visions. The 2e version is similar to the 1e Cleric ...
181 克苏鲁神话吧 创世纪大厅 【夸界大帖】Pathfinder里的克苏鲁神话元素一楼度娘 1227 dnd吧 歧路先知sci 【touhou向】原创4e模组:猎杀魔女之王本模组的剧情不在主线上,而是一个平行世界剧情。 本模组基于龙与地下城4.0规则,适合由5个15级女性人物组成的冒险团队进行游戏,建议其中至少包含一位防御者(战士,圣骑士...
然而其实我写这个回答是因为最近在看 Pathfinder 2e。众所周知,D&D 3.0 衍生品虽好,但是内在的平衡...