Half-orc “4'10"” 4 10 +2d10 2 10 140 ×(2d6) lb. 2 6 Tiefling “4'9"” 4 9 +2d8 2 8 110 ×(2d4) lb. 2 4 NOTE: I’m using emacs with ess in org-mode, and this allows me to name the sheet with #+TBLNAME: so that I can pass it into the header argument of ...
They can feel random to the players at first, but make sure to tie them up with the story or the world in some way. Fighting 1d4 wolves just because they were walking in tall grass will feel pointless (and poor wolves, they were just chilling!). So, what should a good “random” ...
The nonhuman powers of the Realms—the elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, drow, orc, and other nonhuman pantheons—are not dealt with in Faiths & Avatars. For information on those deities and their specialty priesthoods, consult Monster Mythology, Drow of this Underdark, Dwarves’ Deep, Elves of ...
⼩妖精sprite ⼩型 5 x 5 尺 巨⼤⽼⿏giant rat ,地精goblin 中型 5 x 5 尺 兽⼈orc ,狼⼈werewolf ⼤型 10 x 10 尺 鹫⻢hippogriff ,⾷⼈魔ogre 巨型 15 x 15 尺 ⽕巨⼈fire giant ,树⼈treant 超巨型 20 x 20 尺或 克拉肯kraken ,紫⾍purple worm 更⼤ 种类Type ...
Attack:Charisma vs. Will Hit:"1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you are invisible to the target until the start of your next turn." Level 21:"2d6 + Charisma modifier damage."[PH:132][U :W] Eyebiteis an at-willpoweravailable towarlocksat 1st level. It is granted automatically...
If we look in the PHB where it describes Variant Skills it says, "Similarly, when your half-orc barbarian uses a display of raw strength to intimidate an enemy, your DM might ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma." Otherwise it...
Lawful-Good Lawful-Evil Impish Blink Dog Chaotic-Good Neutral-Evil Orcish Common Chaotic-Neutral Chaotic-Evil Kobold Extraordinary Powers and Special Purposes: Same as above. Artifact Powers and Effects:entrydescription Table I: Minor benign powers:KDarkness(5', 10', or 15' radius) — 3 times...