因此,如果更新到 iOS 16 后“请勿打扰”在 iPhone 上不起作用,您可以尝试两种解决方案:重新启动iPhoneor清除 iPhone 上的所有设置. 1.重新启动iPhone 这是解决未知错误或意外问题的基本且可行的故障排除方法。 您可能还会从 Apple 支持官员那里听到这个解决方案。 因此,一旦“勿扰模式”在您的 iPhone 上不起作用,...
DND notification not working in iMessage/text threads. When is Apple going to release an update to fix the feature where the dnd notification doesn't pop up on the recipients end for iMessage? I just bought the iphone 14 pro max and it’s not working. I spoke to a genius and she sa...
iOS update cellular connect iPhone iCloud connect problem Reply User profile for user: shamimjoy0123 shamimjoy0123 User level: Level 1 12 points Jan 12, 2023 2:03 PM in response to shamimjoy0123 iPhone 8 Plus Reply of 1 DND Repeated Calls/Notifications Not Working Anymore Welcome...
iPhone 7/Plusfavorites messages not working guys - my favorite people calls come through when in DND mode but messages (texts) do not. Is this a bug? I'm on iphone 7 latest version Thx etaleb Thread Mar 7, 2018 dnd Replies: 2 ...
Have you attempted all of the aforementioned methods and other accessible options on how to Fix moblie data not working? Then pleasebook a reservationwith us online and our qualified technicians with help you fix the issues as soon as possible. ...
I’ll get right to the point: Warlocks shouldn’t exist in 5e I know, I know - put the pitchfork down for just a moment. It’s not that Warlock’s aren’t fun (they are). It’s not that they’re game breaking (they aren’t). It’s not that the ba...
(I’ve done much trouble shooting) will stop connecting to the “My Porsche App” and will NOT ever connect again until I cycle the PCM phone on and off. This makes my options that I paid for worthless unless I do this cycling of my PCM phone every time it stops working, which is ...
第2 部分:通過系統恢復修復請勿打擾在 iPhone 上不起作用 如果iPhone DND 不工作問題仍然存在,那麼,您應該嘗試強烈推薦的程序 –iOS系統恢復. 有時,由於系統問題而不是莫名其妙的原因,請勿打擾在您的 iPhone 上不起作用,並且無法通過簡單地重新啟動 iPhone 來解決。 幸運的是,iOS 系統恢復旨在修復各種 iOS 系統問...
Focus and Do Not Disturb setup has been made much more flexible, but this has come at the cost of much more complication. To get it working again, do these steps ONCE: Tap Settings Tap Focus Tap on any Focus settings that you will never use and remove them (you can add them back la...
When I turn on Do Not Disturb on one device, it sets it on ALL my devices. While some may find this helpful, I find it annoying. When I’m working on my ipad or drawing or my husband is using the iPad to play games, I like to turn on DND on that device alone. I can still...