Dungeons & Dragons Half-Elf name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Dungeons & Dragons Orc name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
DnD Halfling DnD Human DnD Dragonborn DnD Gnome DnD Half-Elf DnD Half-Orc DnD Tiefling The 2024 rulebook replaces the Half-Elf and the Half-Orc with the following: DnD 2024 Aasimar DnD Goliath DnD Orc Alignment Your alignment determines your character’s moral compass. It’s mainly a role...
Halfling Tiny Nimble, brave (basically just Hobbits) Gnome Very Small Cunning, sees in the dark Dwarf Small Resilient, sees in the dark Elf Short Keen senses, sees in the dark Half-Elf Short-ish Rare, skilled, diplomatic Tiefling Regular Has horns and a tail Human Regular You know what hu...
html,body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } <P><STRONG><FONT color=#800000 size=5>半身人 Halfling</FONT></STRONG></P> <P><EM>“僵尸?牛头人?那种东西根本吓不倒我。但是一名嚎叫的半身武士骑乘着利爪迅猛龙向你冲锋?那是我见过的最可怕的事。”</EM></P> <P alig...
Head Games begins as a halfling runs through the village square with a furious orc hot on her heels. Her pursuer claims she stole something from him but Lellian insists that he gave her a sapphire pendant as a gift. Regardless of how the adventurers deal with the matter however, this orc...
Dungeons & Dragons Deva name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Dungeons & Dragons Dwarf name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
<P>Located along the northern border of the former halfling nation of Luiren was the Lluirwood of southeast Faer?n. Sometimes called "the Longforest," due to its lengthy expanse, this dense woodland was the native homeland of three groups of halfling who once foraged the thick foliage...