常见的范围有触碰、近战、远程、区域内等。 ### 8. 法术持续时间 (Spell Duration) 法术有一个持续时间,可以是瞬间、一轮、一分钟、一小时、永久等。 ### 9. 法术豁免 (Spell Saving Throws) 许多法术允许目标进行豁免检定来抵抗法术效果。 ### 10. 法术抗力 (Spell Resistance) 某些生物具有法术抗力,可以...
Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one cantrip you learned from this class's Spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the druid spell list. Timeless Body Starting at 18th level, the primal magic that you wield causes...
there were examples of people submitting essentially the same character with different races, presumably to test things out. For multiclassed characters, if a lower level character with the same name and a subset of classes exist, they are removed, again leaving the character with the highest ...
He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item creation feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of human paragon to the level in the spellcasting class, then determines...
With their proficiency in Constitution saving throws and the ability to use sorcery points to make more spell slots, they are an enticing spellcaster class for any player. Focus on raising your Charisma score for spellcasting and remember that fire spells in D&D 5e are always a powerful choice...
Class: Divine Soul or Clockwork SoulSorcerer 5e(18) HexbladeWarlock 5e(2) Race: Half-elf Feats: Ability score increase Elven Accuracy Key spells: Eldritch Blast Beloved by many, the Sorlock combines the high damage-dealing of Warlocks, with the innate spellcasting buffs of Sorcerers for immens...
PROFS:长剑Long sword,长弓long bow,艺术才能artistic ability,辨识法术spellcraft 熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:乐器Musical instrument,唱歌singing ❖精类守护人必须为精灵或半精灵。大部分精类守护人都是金精灵或月精灵。他们不能是卓尔精灵。 ❖精类守护人不被允许兼职。 ❖精类守护人能无惩罚地选择来自勇士组的非...
兼职Multiclassing 专长 Feats 第2 部分 第7 章:属性值应用 Using Ability Scores 属性值与调整值 Ability Scores and Modifiers 优势与劣势 Advantage and Disadvantage 熟练加值 Proficiency Bonus 属性检定 Ability Checks 各属性值应用 Using Each Ability 豁免检定 Saving Throws ...
proficiency in a skill from two different sources. For example, if aPaladinwho was proficient with Persuasion multiclassed into a Bard at level two, they could not choose to take Persuasion again to get expertise. In order to double your proficiency, you need an ability that specifically ...
法术升阶(Heighten Spell)〔超魔〕你可以使法术表现得比原本等级高。专长效果:本专长可以使法术表现得...