Skin Color: Silver, silver-blue Hairstyles: Deep blue, green-blueIf you are willing to play with some established warriors of the game, Triton 5e is the one who is expertise as warriors of deep oceans. Not only the sea these races rule the land as well with fantastic strength and intelli...
Race: Moon Elf Alignment: Chaotic Good Class: Bladesinger wizard 8, Ranger 1 Dark blue hair(long), lavender eyes, white skin, 5.9 feet. 129 years old. Preferred weapon: Enchanted Elvish curved longsword. Spellbook. For others, 40 years may be a long period of time, but for elves, it ...
The circlet transforms its attuned wearer into an attractive human of average height and weight. The circlet chooses the physical characteristics of the form, such as age, gender, skin color, hair color, and voice. Except for size, the wearer’s statistics and racial traits don’t change, no...
The Barber of Silverymoon(levels 4-6) – People have been disappearing at night in the city of Silverymoon. Some vanish entirely, leaving behind whispered rumors of fiends or other evil creatures having spirited them away. Others return strangely altered, with their memories of having been kidna...