If you want to hone your roleplaying skills, the confident and charmingBard 5eclass is a great choice. Often referred to as the ‘jack of all trades’ of the adventuring party, the Bard is a versatile class that can be a huge benefit to teammates, both in battle and in social interacti...
Another strongly thematic, but very narrow subclass, those who take theOath of the Watchers 5ededicate themselves to warding off extraplanar threats. If the campaign you’re playing is likely to sweep you across the planes, or bring you face-to-face with otherworldlyDnD monsters, then this sub...
A:While the playable races in D&D are typically humanoid, the game’s lore includes various creatures and monsters that can be adapted as playable races with the DM’s permission and customization. Q: Do racial abilities affect gameplay?
If I had to run Foundry with a limited amount of modules, these are the ones I'd definitively pick up first. Here's my short(ish) list of the modules (and module combinations) that have the biggest impact on the games I run. More in-depth descriptions of each module can be found ...
Create unique concepts, or monsters, or classes, or races. Create new legends and folktales, maybe songs that tell tales of heroes long gone. Anything really, just make sure to create something, to bring life to your world and vision. You and your players are far more likely to tell ...
A legionnaire in action. [Art by Liclillac] It’s quite surprising that given the role of fighters within a party that there aren’t more tankish subclasses. The Legionnaire is just that subclass, specializing in the use of a shield and protecting their teammates. ...
Water tanks ruptured in the storm damage. We drank promethium fuel, weapon oils, engine coolant.——The First Heretic 38.星际战士有着可变的自适应体温,在极寒下可以在正常的生理活动中保持与环境相同的体温,不会呼出白气或被温度感知器感知到。 He realised he wasn’t alone. The company was all ...
In this particular case, this GM would let the player change their mind if the DC was higher than they thought it'd be - maybe Ragnar tested the water and found it moving much faster than expected, maybe the player and I simply weren't on the same page about that detail of the river...
Moving monsters find immobile party. Another factor is that when the party is moving, it is more visible and noisy than when they are bunkered up for the night. All this naturally means that there should be a LOT less "random" night encounters than "random" da...
of their names or deeds was recorded in the lore of mortals. Even the weakest primordials are monsters of terrible destructive power, capable of crushing all but the mightiest mortal heroes and laying waste to whole kingdoms. The greatest primordials are so strong that even the gods fear them....