You’ll find all the best 5e monsters in our guide – plus DM advice on how to run them, potential tactics and their general role in the game. We’ve organized our favorite monsters by Challenge Rating (CR), so you’ll find weak little guys at the start and endgame boss monsters at...
Token Stamp 2 v1.1.2 I used to use this so often when creating monsters for Roll20. Token Stamp 2 is an application that allows you to create custom tokens for your images. This module adds a window within Foundry, so you don't have to navigate to their site in order to use their...
For monsters above CR 20, you have to divide the CR by 2 and add 10. ... This doesn't help with sub-1 CR monsters at all. But it does make higher level monsters really quick to measure. For sub-1 CR monsters, I'd advise reskinning. Because they should mostly be a pool ...
is to pick a CR and allow all of the players to make characters using monsters of that CR....
82 on high CR monsters (compared to PCs). Your total CR seems fine, but too high an offensive rating has the same effect, in the end. Moreover, you have the same problem the other way around: Your party’s offensive CR is also way too high for poor Lorelei. One might b...
Subclass Statblocks - Also includes CR ratings for each subclass Encounter Tools for building encounters D&D Beyond: Monsters Kobold club encounter builder Poison generator Monsters by Challenge Rating 1.0 Monsters by Type 1.0 Improved Initiative Medieval Fantasy City Generator - This application generates...
阿克查扎 122 5 泥形雪怪 149 9 冻寒之雾 82 15 罗刹石巨兽 147 怪物 Monsters 怪物 Monsters 怪怪物物 MMoonnsstteerrss 伏龙兽(AmbushDrake) 伏龙兽(AmbushDrake) 伏伏龙龙兽兽((AAmmbbuusshhDDrraakkee)) 伏 伏 伏伏 龙 龙 中型龙类 龙龙 生命骰:7d12+28(73hp) 先攻权:+6 这种类龙生物约有成年...
173 encounters in 17 different environments - Gathering up our most popular sellers in one book. OGL stat blocks for all monsters, Creative CR appropriate treasure, and over 500 Further Adventure™ writing prompts. Limitless Encounters vol.2 ...
While many classes can wield powerful magic, what sets Druids apart is their shape-shifting abilities, allowing them to become beasts, augment their physical appearance to suit harsh terrain, and – later on – even shift into giantDnD monsters. ...