阿克查扎 122 5 泥形雪怪 149 9 冻寒之雾 82 15 罗刹石巨兽 147 怪物 Monsters 怪物 Monsters 怪怪物物 MMoonnsstteerrss 伏龙兽(AmbushDrake) 伏龙兽(AmbushDrake) 伏伏龙龙兽兽((AAmmbbuusshhDDrraakkee)) 伏 伏 伏伏 龙 龙 中型龙类 龙龙 生命骰:7d12+28(73hp) 先攻权:+6 这种类龙生物约有成年...
技能特技 +18,攀爬 +17,手艺(任意一种)+13,威吓 +20,察觉 +27,表演(歌唱)+12,察言观...
Although the monsters do not import with tokens automatically, creating new tokens for them is usually pretty easy. A great way to import new monsters with stat blocks already created. NOTE: I usually keep this disabled until I need to import a monster. Why retired: I never ended up using...
The new Monster Manual has a particular focus on high-CR monsters, and designerJeremy Crawford has told Wargamerbefore release that some biggies will absolutely beat thestuffingout of an unprepared party, including massive kaiju-sized beasts, and packs of well-equipped creatures. ...
82 on high CR monsters (compared to PCs). Your total CR seems fine, but too high an offensive rating has the same effect, in the end. Moreover, you have the same problem the other way around: Your party’s offensive CR is also way too high for poor Lorelei. One might b...
c. The Sword of Kas says "While this sword is on your person", but I like the thought of setting remote-control traps for unsuspecting monsters. Will this wording have unintended consequences? Undoubtedly. However, it will certainly make something a little more interesting. d. Of ...
DnD Hobgoblins are tall, proud, martial warriors, both classic monsters and a playable D&D race - here's all the Hobgoblin 5e stats and lore you need
听说是Monsters of Faerun的,但是在里面搜索了Alternate Form、Change Shape还有Doppelganger,只找到了高等变形怪,却没有看见阴影变形怪 天昊上帝 10-31 0 为了带小孩入坑,我自制了5E带图卡牌 大白仁 目前完成了全职业0-3环法术,全职业1-5级技能,PHB全部基础道具。覆盖角色1-5级所需。 主要是因为市面上的...
dnd吧 水月莲º 【设定求助】关于给龙起名字求助各位姥爷,跑团纠结龙类名字中,想问问,龙一般会怎么起名,有什么格式吗(什么版本的都可以),有什么参考书目之类的可供参考吗 分享3475 dnd吧 大咕叽◎ 龙的战术最近小说写到要安排一场与龙的战斗,正好网上查了查资料,下文来自themonstersknow.com一篇讲龙战术的文章,...