Comes with 20 VTT-compatible maps and 21 unique monster stat blocks — these files are too big for Patreon’s shop, but email me after purchase, and I’ll send them right over! Download Bard Character Sheet A bard-tailored character sheet that’s perfect for any lute-wielding, magic-sling...
ReltivlyObjectv / MonsterBrewery Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests Java-based D&D statblock generator java dnd homebrew open-source dnd5e statblock-generator Updated Sep 21, 2018 Java araspik / dndm Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests A Dungeons & Dragons Manager. dnd dnd5e dnd-tools...
Generator Create things NPC Generator - Create simple NPCs with an emphasis on quick readability. Can even add custom traits & classes to be used by the generator Spells Spell lists 5th Edition Spell Book - Encounter Builder Encounter and campaign building eRPG Tools Plus - Monster Factory -...
DnD 5e Blog + Resources for Adventurers and DMs DnD Lounge provides spell guides, rules tutorials, character creation generators, short adventures, and other DnD-related goodies. Our Portfolio Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Regi
Not only are they telling us this, but it has been proven that they listen in the updates that have been given -- things that most of the userbase here didn't like were adjusted to meet the standards we wanted multiple times -- from things like the monster stat blocks looking as...
When a DnD monster tries to attack you, it must beat your armor class with its attack roll. When you’re not wearing armor, your AC is 10 plus your Dexterity modifier. If you’re carrying a standard DnD shield, your AC increases by two. Different DnD armor also increases your AC sco...
Monster Stat Blocks Half-Dragon Template A beast, humanoid, giant, or monstrosity can become a half-dragon. When a creature becomes a half-dragon, it retains all its statistics except as noted below. Challenge. To avoid recalculating the creature’s challenge rating, apply the template only to...
The Isaax is a monster of sharp ice and cold heart; the Forvirskripi is a tiny malevolent fey able to bring about icy disaster; the Hlaupa is a giant ice-pig with ivory tusks and mighty antlers; and the Knútadraugr is an icy undead warrior, with a hollow, chilling glare. By ...
A frontend web application for creating creature statblocks for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. javascripteditordndfrontenddungeons-and-dragonscreatormonsterdnd5edungeonsanddragons5ecreature5th-editiondnd-toolsecmascript2018statblock-renderingsdanddstatblock-generatorstatblockdnd5e-tools5e-tools ...
A great way to import new monsters with stat blocks already created. NOTE: I usually keep this disabled until I need to import a monster. Why retired: I never ended up using it.Laptop Form Fix - Fixes CSS issues where the Save button is often unclickable due to being too far down. ...