When a DnD monster tries to attack you, it must beat your armor class with its attack roll. When you’re not wearing armor, your AC is 10 plus your Dexterity modifier. If you’re carrying a standard DnD shield, your AC increases by two. Different DnD armor also increases your AC sco...
Generator Create things NPC Generator - Create simple NPCs with an emphasis on quick readability. Can even add custom traits & classes to be used by the generator Spells Spell lists 5th Edition Spell Book - Encounter Builder Encounter and campaign building eRPG Tools Plus - Monster Factory -...
monster在这座垃圾山上觅食,翻找着小块的废金属。这些锈蚀怪已经学会了避开那些“装饰”着这片垃圾场的金属雕塑,那些雕塑锈迹斑斑、造型抽象,它们的作者是一条散发着垃圾的味道,名唤“垃圾龙图德霍格Tudhog the Junk Wyrm”的古怪成年青铜龙。作为这座垃圾场富有艺术细菌的卫士,图德霍格喜欢用废弃的魔法剑、被打...
Monster Shadow Thieves Guild Member Monster Hunter Slave Mystic Slayer Spy Squire Student Of Magic Backgrounds From Homebrew Page If you are searching for the various types of backgrounds from the homebrew page then you can chose all of them from the below mentioned tables From A to Z...
New! You can also print cards such as spell cards, monster cards and equipment cards directly from the app. Print a complete list at once and customize the card color and icons to your liking. What is in the app: ✓ Over 200 Spells ...
The character was held captive by a monster or some other evil force. A close friend was cursed to be evil. To make your D&D character even more interesting, try mixing and matching or combining several of these tragic background ideas into one. You can then write it yourself or use a ...
In the last week, we've seen the addition of a monster stats generator for summoners:Pathfinder Summoner's Scribe, theWitch Hunter, a D&D 5E class created by Matthew Mercer, and theMalleus Maleficarum, a D&D 5E class archetype for fighters who specialize against magic users. ...
5e Campaign Lab for DnD's encounter generator will allow you to generate endless encounters.The Encounter Generatorlets a user customize their encounter with the following options:•monster size•type•challenge rating (minimum and maximum)•number of monsters (minimum and maximum)•monster env...
The Monster in the Forest, The Little Hero, The Mentor, The Strange Bedfellow, and more, are presented in this article by Steven W. Zundel 2nd. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson. Allies & Adversaries: Servants of the Winter Court. In our final item of the month - and, indeed, the year - ...
•monster size•type•challenge rating (minimum and maximum)•number of monsters (minimum and maximum)•monster environments•alignment (various options including any, including, excluding, etc.)•book (include as many or as few books as you want)•nameThe Treasure Generatorwill ...