Monster SlayerUnearthed Arcana 35 - A Trio of Subclasses Primeval GuardianUnearthed Arcana 27 - Ranger & Rogue SwarmkeeperUnearthed Arcana 64 - Fighter, Ranger, Rogue Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability...
希劳拉妮被以下存在侍奉着:阿西蒙aasimon、archons、asuras、baku、青铜龙、棕猫brown cat、棕犬brown dog、棕精、bumblebees、campestris、洞穴蟋蟀、dobies、einheriar、formian、友善的真菌生物、巨茅膏菜、巡守纳迦、hollyphants、house hunter、incarnates of charity, faith, and justice、家宅矮灵killmoulis、麒麟...
一个DND用的进阶职业 怪物猎人怪物猎人(Monster Hunter) 阵营:任意 生命骰:d8 进阶条件:宿敌有选择以下其中一种(野兽、虫类、动物类、魔法兽类、龙类、恐龙 ),专攻武器,知 分享225 历史吧 天青之玉 DND阵营测试,不知道吧里以前玩过这个没... D&D...
Paladin: Conquest, Redemption Ranger: Horizon Walker, Monster Slayer, Gloom Stalker Rogue: Inquisitive, Mastermind, Scout, Swashbuckler (also in SCAG) Sorcerer: Divine Soul, Shadow, Storm (also in SCAG) Warlock: Celestial, Hexblade, and several new Eldritch Invocation...
TheRanger Far from the bustle of cities and towns, past the hedges that shelter the most distant farms from the terrors of the wild, amid the dense-packed trees of trackless forests and across wide and empty plains, rangers keep their unending watch. ...
Ranger desde o início, sem precisar esperar por níveis mais altos. Além disso, o recurso de inimigo predileto foi modificado, proporcionando a magia Hunter’s Mark de forma gratuita e preparada. Novas Habilidades de Exploração A classe Ranger ganha uma nova habilidade chamada Deft...
Since posting this, I've found out that the UA playtest class features give almost exactly my example as a feature for the Bard, Ranger, Sorcerer, and Warlock classes at 1st level. The only difference is that the replacement spell has to be of the same level as the spe...
RC Spent/Recoverable Ammo Tracker v1.0.13 Keeps track of ammo spent before and after combat, then outputs an option to recover half (rounded down) after combat ends. Super nice if you have a ranger or similar character in your party. Why retired: Replaced by Ammo Tracker...
the Monk Acrobat can backflip and wall-run with the best of them; the Paladin Oath of Discovery deems the quest for knowledge to be the noblest of pursuits; the Ranger Lightless Prowler is to be feared in the dark; and the Rogue Tumbler can dance around his opponents and escape the dires...
Hunter’s Mark (Level 1) Hunter’s Mark is a must-have for any Ranger. Slap it on an enemy, and you’ll deal an extra 1d6 damage to that target whenever you make a weapon attack, with an advantage on any Perception (Wis) or Survival (Wis) check. Unsurprisingly, Hunter’s Mark com...