ReltivlyObjectv / MonsterBrewery Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests Java-based D&D statblock generator java dnd homebrew open-source dnd5e statblock-generator Updated Sep 21, 2018 Java araspik / dndm Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests A Dungeons & Dragons Manager. dnd dnd5e dnd-tools...
Blood Hunter monster stats As we previously mentioned, there’s also an official monster stat block for the D&D Blood Hunter. In case you’re a DM looking to create a dark and brooding NPC, here are the monster stats for the Blood Hunter too: ...
All DnD alignments explained All DnD classes explained DnD Tiefling 5e explained The full DnD Gold Dragon statblock is here, and it's a stone cold party killer Get loads of DnD books, maps, and VTT assets at 97% off - if you're quick...
javascripteditordndfrontenddungeons-and-dragonscreatormonsterdnd5edungeonsanddragons5ecreature5th-editiondnd-toolsecmascript2018statblock-renderingsdanddstatblock-generatorstatblockdnd5e-tools5e-tools UpdatedAug 24, 2021 JavaScript Standardized JSON Schema for Dungeons & Dragons 5e characters ...
艾寿多Eshowdow是位半神力,在 乌塔欧Ubtao 利用自身的一部分创造出无数精魂之时,他于这位神祗的本质碎片中衍生而出。在被 楚尔特的创造者Creator of Chult 封印并埋入丛林地下很久之后,幽影巨人the Shadow Giant 最终转化为了一位独立的神祇,它吞噬着荣耀、勇气与高贵,潜伏于 楚尔特丛林的黑暗幽影之中。
Along with a description of the Academy, in this article by Josh Gentry you'll find new bonds and flaws, new feats such as Imperial Pyromancy and Occult Informant, outlines of significant NPCs, rumours and plot hooks, random faction conspiracies, and the Imperial Pyromancer stat block. ...
在失去它的附魔前,该蒸馏物将保持效力1小时+3回合/每塞斯神官等级。喝下无附魔的奴仆蛇人酿品者,若在对抗毒素豁免检定中失败,将患病1d3轮,但不会有其它效果。 The distillation maintains its potency for one hour, plus three turns per level of the Ssethssar who created it, before losing its enchantmen...
A great way to import new monsters with stat blocks already created. NOTE: I usually keep this disabled until I need to import a monster. Why retired: I never ended up using it.Laptop Form Fix - Fixes CSS issues where the Save button is often unclickable due to being too far down. ...
It uses the Dancing Item stat block and lives for one hour (unless it has no hit points left or you die first). The item acts on your Initiative during combat, and you can spend a bonus action to order it around. If you use your bonus action on Bardic Inspiration, you can command...
艾寿多Eshowdow是位半神力,在 乌塔欧Ubtao 利用自身的一部分创造出无数精魂之时,他于这位神祗的本质碎片中衍生而出。在被 楚尔特的创造者Creator of Chult 封印并埋入丛林地下很久之后,幽影巨人the Shadow Giant 最终转化为了一位独立的神祇,它吞噬着荣耀、勇气与高贵,潜伏于 楚尔特丛林的黑暗幽影之中。