Tamrielic Names: Ashenfur, Black-Paw, Clevereyes, Dawnwalker, Dusty-Claw, Elf-Biter, Firebreath, FourToes, Iron-Ear, Kink Tail, Silvertongue, Soft-Fur, SugarClaws, Tender-Paws, Wet-Whiskers热感视觉:卡季特人均拥有60尺的热感视觉。语言:泰姆瑞尔语、Ta’agra语。移动速度:卡季特的移动速度为12。
Male halfling names Ped Greenbridge Koril Thorngather San Twinklesky Joewin Cinderfingers Rinbun Billbrook Brun Fleetbottle Female halfling names Usili Truebottle Elyn Forestfinger Rolyncia Cinderbrook Kilfina Lasthill San Fastspirit Alvola Applebottle Gender-neutral halfling names Grar Earthbranch E...
Elf (Sea)Dexterity +2, Constitution +160MediumMTF EGW Elf (Shadar-kai)Dexterity +2, Constitution +160MediumMTF Elf (Wood)Dexterity +2, Wisdom +160MediumPHB FairyAny +2 and any other +1 OR Any three unique +1SmallWBtW FirbolgWisdom +2, Strength +1MediumVGM ...
精灵姓名 Elf Names 纤瘦而优雅 Slender and Graceful 精灵通常会在百岁生日后宣布自己成年,然后为自己选 精灵因其超凡脱俗的优雅和精致的面容被人类和许多其 择一个名字。在此之前这名精灵都会被看作是个孩子,并用其 他种族视为夺心摄魄的美人。其平均身高比人类稍矮,范围约 小名作称谓。 在5 尺到6 尺之间...
Keep or have the players keep a Dramatis Personae I like to do this: when a game has a lot of NPCs, I put their names at the top and some very basic notes: "Prince Larome, Male First One, Teenager" and let the players fill out their own notes. This and my...
Excel Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel. If you’re looking for technical support, please visitMicrosoft Support Community. Forum Discussion
I KNOW that there are Excel manuals that warn AGAINST writing formulas this long. It might be fun when it works, but as you've encountered here, formulas this long are opportunities for Orcs and all other kinds of creatures to get in and make mischief. ...
Dungeons & Dragons Dwarf name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Dungeons & Dragons Kalashtar name generator. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like.
Your character’s race description includes sample names for members of that race. Put some thought into your name even if you’re just picking one from a list. Sex You can play a male or female character without gaining any special benefits or hindrances. Think about how your character does...