领域Sphere:战斗Combat距离Range:接触Touch成分Components:言语V,姿势S持续时间Duration:1 轮/2 级(向下取整)施法时间Casting Time:8影响区域Area of Effect:1 柄斧子、匕首、小刀或剑One axe, dagger, knife, or sword豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg. 这道法术将 加尔Garl 的天赐伴侣——亚伦迪娜——的魔法...
下一群在诸国度the Realms被普遍崇拜的矮人诸神包括 萨德·哈尔Thard Harr、贡姆·古辛Gorm Gulthyn、马萨摩·杜因Marthammor Duin、以及 杜格马睿·明罩Dugmaren Brightmantle。新晋加入矮人神系据说是摩拉丁和蓓伦妮的孙辈,据说包括 海菈·明斧Haela Brightaxe 和深地·杜菈。 摩丁萨曼诸神密切介入了崇拜者们...
12.星际战士的大脑在几微秒内处理信息并且规划战略。 The tank jolts, throwing Thiel back just as he makes a rare counter. He staggers, the electromagnetic longsword slipping in his grip. Seeing weakness, the Unburdened attacks. Brain strategising with every passing microsecond, Thiel is unable to...
Summoning shadowy hounds to harass your enemies, or throwing enemies back with bursts of lightning are all well and good, but at the end of the day, whatever flashy powers your bloodline gives you, most of your actions will come down to casting spells. Here, we’ve gathered a collection ...
Fire damage is self-explanatory: we all know what fire is and how it damages stuff. In terms of dishing it out, there are plenty of spells to draw from, and if you want to be throwing Fireballs nonstop, we suggest the EvocationDnD Wizard subclasscould be right for you. ...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
+3unholybattleaxe +37/+32/+27/+22 (6d6+22/19–20/×3), claw +29 (2d8+9) or 2 ...
THE RIDICULOUS HAND AXE:* +6 holy vorpal defender flame-tongue frost-brand sun luckblade of wounding, dancing, throwing, thunderbolts, life stealing, slaying everything (as in all of the arrows of the same name), disruption, {red, blue, green, white, black, brass, and copper dragon slay...
Dwarven Weapon Training: You are proficient with the battleaxe, handaxe, throwing hammer, and warhammer. Class: Paladin Alignment: Your alignment is lawful good. Armor and Weapon...
Dwarven Weapon Training: You are proficient with the battleaxe, handaxe, throwing hammer, and warhammer. Class: Paladin Alignment: Your alignment is lawful good. Armor and Weapon...