【主 神】柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 【盟 友】阿卡迪Akadi,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,埃彻提恩Eachthighern,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala,伊西斯Isis,柯瑞尔Koriel,拉芮Lurue,雷密斯Remnis,山达柯尔Shaundakul,席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl,萨兰娜塔Syranita,寂静之歌Stillsong,席德瑞恩诸神The...
The starting ability Second-Story Work makes Thieves faster climbers and gives them a longer running jump, while Fast Hands adds Sleight of Hand checks, disarming traps, opening locks and ‘Using’ objects to the list of things they can do with a Bonus Action. If you’re fighting in a cha...
choice from theDruid 5espell list. But, importantly, these count as Ranger spells when you use them, so Wis is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips. Each time you gain a level as the Ranger, you can swap out one of these cantrips for another one from the Druid spell list. ...
If he would immediately spill all the beans, that would have cleared up most of the mysteries in the campaign, so I could not do that. Instead, I followed the list above. Give the NPC a personality The NPC was the leader of a criminal organization, and he had been in this position ...
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. This feels a little too restrictive to m...
魔魂壶|Magic Jar 六环 死灵 施法时间:1 分钟 施法距离:自身 法术成分:V、S、M(一块宝石或水晶,或者一个圣物匣,又或者他带装饰的容器,其价值不能低于 500gp) 持续时间:直至被解除 你的灵魂离开身体进入作为法术材料成分的容器中,而你的身体则陷入失神的状况。灵魂处于容器中时,你可以如同身处容器所在位置一...
which in turn adapt the method in which you can best play your character. For spellcasters, this is usually in the building of your spell list; for rogues and rangers, it’s in the allocation of skill points; for fighters, it's in feats, which they get broad ...
·死灵祭司免疫来自不死生物的特殊攻击,包括等级吸取level-draining、能力吸取, energy-draining、属性吸取statistic-draining、魔魂壶magic jar、老化aging以及其它如为不死死物发起的。她们总是受到相当于3级祭司法术的防护负界伤害Negative Plane Protection的保护。这不能令她们免疫不死死物施加的物理伤害。• Yathr...
most of the cool magic items I acquired ended up as free consolation magic items after I died and created a new character (“…and you have X gp’s worth of magic items”). I guess in my very very first D&D game, in elementary school, my fighter acquired a Ring of Petrification wh...
Loads of people have had amazing adventures with this book, and, even if it had no history at all, this blanket would still make it onto this list just because the image is so epic. Can you believe all of those heads belong to one dragon? Best Tiamat Jay Franco Dungeons & Dragons ...