Magic Resistance:Greater powers are 100% resistant to mortal magics,75% resistant to the magic of deities of lesser ranks, and 50% resistant to the spells of other greater powers. 豁免检定Saving Throws: 所以强大神力都被假定将自动通过祂们需要进行的豁免。这是祂们伟大能力、精神力量以及肉体力量的...
第10 级起,你施展一个需要你在施法过程中进行属性检定的防护系法术时(比如反制法术 counterspell 和解除魔法dispel magic),你可以在进行相应的属性检定时加上你的熟练加值。 防护学派技能表中的技能释放时施法判定+2(+1,+2)。 专精技能 法术抗性罕见
Loot Tavern Magic Item Compendium - A compendium filled with custom magic items? Looks fun! Why removed: At the moment, I don't need any additional items for our campaign. However, that could change in the future. Will revisit: If the aforementioned scenario arises. Point of Interest ...
Magic exists, demons corrupt the unwary, faeries perplex travelers, you encounter angels and dragons, etc. I particularly love trying to reinterpret actual history through the lens of this setting. Sure, the Mongols sacked all of Medieval Rus but spared the great city of Novgorod. Was it ...
In low magic settings, con artists make good substitutes for enchanters, sorcerers, and so on. In a game with wargaming origins, Con Artists add an interesting social aspect to the game in focusing purely upon being a party face. Con Artist Details:
在豁免失败后,以中和毒性、驱散魔法dispel magic、移除诅咒remove curse、以及治疗术heal在那过程中可以阻止转化。受害者将永久地失去1点智力值。祈愿术wish或有限祈愿术limited wish法术可以逆转变形而不损失智力。一旦转化完成,只有祈愿术法术能令他们恢复原型。
givenwill be set for the NPC. If you subsequently ask for another beer the NPC gives a different response by matching the state variable. In this way you can have branching narratives dependent upon conversational context. Maybe an NPC only gives you some item after an appropriate sequence of...
Armor items are protective items worn by characters to improve their defenses. Armor items are classified as light armor, heavy armor, or shield. Equipping light armor or heavy armor, other than unenchanted cloth armor, improves a character's armor class
There's actually a rule for how high your character can reach with his hands if he jumps, and it scales based on his height. Did you know your height can be altered by the Wild Magic Surge table? There's a maximum height recommendation for every race, but you can be taller if ...
The weapon is enspelled by a senior priest through ritual magic to levitate, and the vigilance of the priest observing the ritual keeps it hovering. 主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship: 海姆信仰最突出的中心是位于 特拉苏格城Tsurlagol的 高贵之手the Noble Hand。高贵之手既是一座神殿,也是一座专业...