Here are all the Magic Items in the dnd game arranged in Alphabetical order. Adamantine Armor (Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide)) Ammunition (Weapon (any ammunition)) Amulet of Health (Wondrous item) Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location (Wondrous item) ...
Another action you’ll learn is Animating Performance, which turns a Large or smaller non-magic item within 30 feet into an animated creature. It uses the Dancing Item stat block and lives for one hour (unless it has no hit points left or you die first). The item acts on your Initiativ...
Loot Tavern Magic Item Compendium - A compendium filled with custom magic items? Looks fun! Why removed: At the moment, I don't need any additional items for our campaign. However, that could change in the future. Will revisit: If the aforementioned scenario arises. Point of Interest ...
Magic Resistance:Greater powers are 100% resistant to mortal magics,75% resistant to the magic of deities of lesser ranks, and 50% resistant to the spells of other greater powers. 豁免检定Saving Throws: 所以强大神力都被假定将自动通过祂们需要进行的豁免。这是祂们伟大能力、精神力量以及肉体力量的...
they are somewhere else, sneak through, or lock them in a room. You can have your cake AND eat it too! but can be easily replaced by cantrips. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. At 2nd level, you learn the cantrip minor illusion if you already have the ...
.sheet-subsection-table tr td { border-bottom: 1pt solid #808080; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-right: none; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; padding: 2px; } .sheet-cell-header { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: underline; } .sheet-s...
points, wrestling with tougher choices than which monster to Author’s Note: I didn’t expect this book to require a dis- kill first or what magic item to buy with newfound loot, and claimer like the one Monte put in front of the Book of Vile Dark- doing the kinds of heroic deeds ...
创作魔法物品Creating a Magic Item 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 附录A:随机地下城Random Dungeons 附录B:怪物清单Monster Lists 附录C:地图Maps 附录D:城主启蒙读物Dungeon Master Inspirational 索引Index . 简介Interoduction 担当地下城主是一件美妙的事!你不仅能以此讲述那些 充满英...
Magic Item Characters 创作新的角色选项Creating New Character Options 设计非玩家角色Designing NPCs 附录 :随机地下城 A Random Dungeons 非玩家角色队友NPC Party Members 联络员Contacts 附录 :怪物清单 B Monster Lists 雇员Hirelings 小角色Extras 附录 :地图 反派Villains C Maps 反派职业选项Villainous Class ...
乌塔欧Ubtao骗子The Deceiver 神祇Deity 在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球看守被囚禁的丹德尔的荒神;被作为楚尔特之神被崇拜A primordial of Abeir-Toril that keeps Dendar imprisoned; worshiped as the god of Chult 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。