No creature better personifies ‘hangry’ than the classicOwlbear. This mammal-bird hybrid was hangry long before such a meme-era term even existed. While the owlbear is a touch more ‘vanilla’ than some of the other monsters featured on this list, it’s no less a hallmark of Dungeons &...
特殊攻击:释放 梦魇Unleash nightmares,释放对特定受害者的梦魇unleash victim-specific nightmares,沉眠/噩梦毒sleep/nightmare venom,囫囵活吞swallows whole,类法术能力(半幽影魔法demishadow magic, 半幽影怪物demishadow monsters, 梦中絮语Dreamspeak*,恐惧术fear, 梦魇nightmare 或托梦术dream) 特殊防御:+5或更好魔法...
we’ve combed the internet archives to serve up this list of the very finest D&D memes, which will have you cackling in hysterics (or more likely grunting in expressionless amusement, as you scroll down the page). That’s fine, we’ll take what we can get. ...
Famous Monsters: Thoth-Amon Thoth-Amon, a character hailing from the rich and treacherous world of Conan the Barbarian, is a formidable sorcerer with a dark past. May 21, 2023 A DnD Murder Mystery: Sanctum of Peril Embark on a thrilling DnD murder mystery one-shot. Hired by Master Libraria...
Only theAarakocra, whose speed was reduced to 30 feet by Monsters of the Multiverse, can match or surpass theCentaur’s 40 feet. Also, joined with their Charge characteristic the Centaur can rapidly get into skirmish battle and make their presence felt. Equine Build is very similar to Powerfu...
这一次的视频是关于猩红奥林与变形生物的设定 视频主要资料来源为2版Monstrous Manual,2版Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two 3r Monster Manual III,3版Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn 3r Player's Guide to Eberron,Dragon magazine 5版Monstrous Manual,Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multive...
- Select a difficulty and add monsters from a vast list of enemies. - Create custom monsters for your epic boss battles. GENERATE ENCOUNTERS: - Automatically generate encounters for different player levels and difficulties. - Support different encounter types: boss fight, boss with minions, horde ...
10000+ "dnd monsters" printable 3D Models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Click to find the best Results for dnd monsters Models for your 3D Printer.
History of the Forgotten Realms - Interactive calendar of the history of the Realms Broderick's Compendium: Plants and Fungi Across the Realm - Guide to over 600 fantasy plants for druids, poisoners, potion-crafters, and herbalists Conjuration List - A table of all beasts, celestials, elemental...
You can search monsters on D&DBeyond (ddb in alfred). You don't need to login but you might end up on a monster page you can't see because you need to have access to the source book its in. DOWNLOAD Usage Just type ddb goblin and you have a list of D&D monsters and their basic...