迪卡拉泽Diinkarazan微弱神力 混乱邪恶 迪洛矮人的疯神、复仇之神,迪伊林卡的双胞胎兄弟,兄弟俩偷窃灵吸怪主神伊尔神思的魔法时被当场发现,迪卡拉泽遭到哥哥抛弃,目前正被伊尔神思因囚禁 主要势力范围在幽暗地域的矮人诸神Gods of the Underdark Dwarves 杜马松Dumathoin中等神力 绝对中立 盾矮人主神 拉杜格Laduguer中等神力...
马尔赫维克欢迎各类来访者,并且允许任何阵营的旅行者在马尔赫维克堡逗留。一些马尔赫维克的“老朋友”有时会来访,如赛特里斯(Sytris),曾被称为摄魂者(the Soul Reaver),及雅弗(Japheth),原以汲取者(Lifeleech)而闻名。抵达本位面时,及腰深的银海圣水中会伤害并且吓走马尔赫维克的老朋友,因此他们并不经常来访。马...
Tempest Domain:Lightning and thunder damage are this Cleric’s bread and butter. They’re beefy and great at striking foes. Twilight Domain:Twilight Clerics worship gods of the night and stars, and this gives them a jack-of-all-trades toolbox of buffs, damage, and utility. For more on t...
•Life Domain •Light Domain •Nature Domain •Order Domain •Peace Domain •Tempest Domain •Trickery Domain •Twilight Domain •War Domain Amonkhet •Ambition Domain •Solidarity Domain •Strength Domain •Zeal Domain Unearthed Arcana(a) ...
Origin Feat:Each background has a particular Origin feat that best represents a talent your character developed while living this portion of their life. The Wayfarer background grants you the Lucky feat. Skill Proficiencies:Your background provides you proficiency in two specified skills. For the ...
with Abjuration or Transmutation spells from the Sorcerer, Wizard, and Warlock spell lists. This makes the Clockwork Soul able to get a few options unique to Wizards or Warlocks, like Armor of Agathys or Protection from Evil and Good. For Sorcerers,gaining 10 additional spells is life-saving,...
223 – The Plane of Life, a huge sprawling wilderness sixty times the size of Grayhawk. This plane represents all living creatures; allegedly every single species in the entire universe can be found in the Plane of Life.229 – The Plane of Whores, the entire plane is a vast urban mess ...
护命术 Surelife 防护系 等级:长眠8 法术成分:言语、姿势、材料 施展时间:1轮 距离:个人 目标:自身 持续时间:1分钟/每2等级 此法术可保护你免受某些伤害,得以不会在那些原本会造成死亡-比如被浸入沸油中或者被崩塌掩埋-的情况中就此死去。此法术只能让你免于自然事故与情况的伤害,无法抵挡其它法术或是其它生物...
You have three stage possession, and the player is desperately asking for more divine presence in their life. So give them that. Have the god give them clear and unambiguous answers on questions they know, like nature and other deities, and say they don't know if it's outside their d...
Players that prefer a ranged style of combat often overlook Clerics as a class, but luckily the gods have answered their prayers with this build. Wood Elves, with their affinity for nature, bring tons of roleplaying possibilities to the classic Life Domain, while letting you try your hand at...