法术名称:Fireburst, Greater 大型烈焰爆等级:◎五级法术 5-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS派系:★塑能系 Evocation组件:VSMSR:可豁免:反射1/2施法时间:单动作射程:10ft持续时间:立即摘要:10ft范围内的物体受到1d8/级(最多15d8)火焰伤害I 2楼2013-10-30 18:38 回复 ...
许愿术是几级法术..法术名称:Limited Wish 有限许愿术 等级:◎七级法术 7-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS 派系:★通用系 Uni
ByadminFebruary 27, 2025 Divine Favor is a powerful 1st-level evocation spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5e that grants a… Revivify 5e: A Powerful Spell for Resurrecting Your Companions ByadminFebruary 26, 2025 Revivify is one of the most essential spells in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, offering a lif...
7. 装备(Equipment):角色可以使用各种武器、防具和道具来提高他们的战斗能力和生存技巧。8. 法术(Spells):法术是角色可以使用的魔法效果,通常分为奥术(Arcane)和神圣(Divine)两类。9. 战斗(Combat):战斗是游戏中的一种主要活动,玩家需要通过掷骰子(Dice)来决定攻击、防御和其他战斗行动的...
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Bard spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Bard spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Spell slots ...
【DND】DND规则..◎三级法术 3-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLSAbolish Shadows 阴影禁制VSM 单动作 30ft 立即 强韧1/2 可 以你为中心30ft爆发范围内,破坏所有
答案:因为5级熟练加值+3,而现在版本最高5级。 来自iPhone客户端12楼2023-06-04 19:56 回复 嘟嘟甦冿攴 核心吧友 7 9级就+4了 来自Android客户端13楼2023-06-05 13:40 回复 safeplayer 核心吧友 7 我看了下levelmapvalues是提供了9级4熟练加值和5espells的17级6点的啊?什么原因没有作用呢?
Spells: Here are all the spells arranged in Alphabetical order. Acid Arrow(2nd-level Evocation) Acid Splash (Conjuration Cantrip) Aid (2nd-level Abjuration) Alarm (1st-level Abjuration (Ritual)) Alter Self (2nd-level Transmutation) Animal Friendship (1st-level Enchantment) ...
加尔教派法术Garlian Spells 3rd Level 宝石炸弹Gembomb (祭司Pr 3;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm) 领域Sphere:战斗Combat距离Range:接触Touch成分Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M持续时间Duration:1 回合turn施法时间Casting Time:6影响区域Area of Effect:1 块宝石/5 级1 gem/5 levels豁免检定Saving Throw:1/2 ...
spell slots available to a character of their level (tied with theBard 5e,Cleric 5e,Druid 5e, and Wizard). However, you can only choose a relatively limited number of spells to cast, and, unlike most of those other classes, may only change your decision when you level up. Choose wisely...