The book also introduces vehicles called Infernal Machines as well as providing guidance on making deals with devils and demons. The adventure is straight forward and doesn’t dawdle like some adventures tend to do The part with the city of Elturel is particularly awesome. Cons: The adventure ...
A player character's choice of language might seem like an unimportant choice on the surface, but it comes up more often than new players might expect. A group with a wide spread of languages has a better chance of communicating with strangers and possibly avoiding a conflict, as well as b...
LanguageTypical SpeakersScript AbyssalDemonsInfernal CelestialCelestialsCelestial DraconicDragons, dragonbornDraconic Deep SpeechAboleths, cloakers— InfernalDevilsInfernal PrimordialElementalsDwarvish SylvanFey creaturesElvish UndercommonUnderworld tradersElvish