Pick Variant Human as your race, choosing +1 Dex, +1 Cha, and the Alert feat, which grants you +5 to initiative rolls, makes you immune to surprise and means that attacks from unseen enemies don’t have advantage against you. The Criminal background will give you relevant skill proficienc...
23 受国人名字 : Shou Names 变体人类特质 Variant Human Traits (男性male )安An 、陈Chen、齐Chi、费Fai、江Jiang 、 如果你的战役选⽤第5 章所述的可选专⻓规则,DM 就可 军Jun 、连 Lian、朗Long、蒙Meng、温 On、单 Shan、水 以允许你使⽤本变体特质,并以下列⼏项特质替换⼈类的属性 ...
Failing that, a VariantDnD Humanis an excellent option for most classes. This is for one reason alone: access to a free feat. Let’s talk about your possible options in that department. Best feats for a DnD Abjuration Wizard Here are our favorite feats for an Abjuration Wizard: Eldritch A...
So I'd rather home-brew some new feats for variant humans that are bound to a certain heritage. Or maybe give some heritages two (but weaker) feats (Keen Mind + Observant for example). I don't think that an additional human sub race is needed, but the list of feats for variant huma...
HumanVariant Human: In addition to the standard human traits, some campaigns allow players to choose the Variant Human option. This option allows the player to gain a +1 bonus to two different ability scores, choose a skill proficiency, and gain a Feat at 1st level....
The idea of “variants” is that, just like not every human is identical A familiar variant of a creature is just the stat block to use for a creature that has somehow agreed to serve as a familiar for a spellcaster. That actually supports the idea that Warlock shoul...
As a 19 year old man he begins with the following abilities (I rolled these with the 4d6 method and used the variant human trait rules as per my DMs approval) DEX and WIS 18s. CHA and INT 9s. STR 12. CON 13. As a street urchin who feels constantly threatened (ninjas, slavers, ...
Earth Bender Toph from Nickolodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender. Art byMCAshe Human (Variant) Druid 1/Way of Four Elements Monk 3 Armor Class13 Hit Points35 (4d8+12) Proficiency Bonus+2 Speed40 ft Alignmentneutral good LanguagesCommon, Giant ...
本吧热帖: 1-【新人渣翻第六弹】Variant变体 2-【新人渣翻第五弹】Half Races 3-【新人苦力第四弹】Races of Water完成,求校对 4-【新手渣翻第三弹】Races of Fire 5-【新手渣翻】初二狗生平第一次英译中 6-[公告]关于撤销 幻曦紫嶙 吧主管理权限的说明 7-请问有没有冰与火
In “The Evil Medieval Weevil Upheaval” (Beta Storyguide Ted has all the best names), the magi encounter a demonic centipede with a human face that casts a dire influence upon the innocent men and women of the local village with its ugly glare. In “Puerulus Amissa,” the magi and the...