Leading upwith one of the most adaptable and very ambitious 5e characters, the human is the one who is known as an innovator and pioneer of the game. They are one of the youngest players ofD&D 5e Raceswho will help you in discovering new things in every step of your game. Moreover, ...
Best classes Barbarian, Fighter With Orc and Human blood running through their veins, Half-Orcs partially resemble the classic Tolkien-esque creatures. They’re physically mighty, and they may have visible teeth and green-ish skin. Their famed physical might is realized through their Relentless En...
This will be something like Riceak Beestinger, Chaotic Gnomish Druid, or Hollyatra Gellantara, Lawful Human Paladin. Each player will need to choose a race, a class, an alignment, and a name. Then, print the character sheet for that combination from the PDFs in this repository, linked ...
DnD Human DnD Dragonborn DnD Gnome DnD Half-Elf DnD Half-Orc DnD Tiefling The 2024 rulebook replaces the Half-Elf and the Half-Orc with the following: DnD 2024 Aasimar DnD Goliath DnD Orc Alignment Your alignment determines your character’s moral compass. It’s mainly a roleplaying tool,...
矮人祭司(包括杜尔加矮人)的通用能力与限制,除了本节稍后标记的每种信仰特殊变化外,都在“Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”中矮人祭司的详述中讨论。由于悠久的传统,大部分矮人神祇的祭司在动荡之年Time of Troubles都与其神祇有着相同的性别。自动荡之年以来,这一限制已不再绝对,而所有的矮人信仰现在接受所有性别的...
William hates Arzen for his human experiments, torture of Boss, assault of his Crew, and for almost taking his hand. Once Arzen was "killed", William was relieved to know that his Crew, and to a smaller extent the world, would be safer. ...
(更多关于森侏儒的信息参见“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”。)虽然杜尔加矮人duergar和迪洛矮人derro分享着对于地表矮人互相的敌意,而卓尔与地表精灵有着不共戴天的仇恨,但地底侏儒是自愿进入幽暗地域的,他们与他们的地表亲族保持着良好的关系。在费伦大陆侏儒唯一的邪恶分支是邪诡侏儒,但虽然厄尔德...
Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warlock Wizard DND 5E All about DND Races, Classes, Spells, Magic, Equipment, Monsters and More Races Dragonborn Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Half-Orc Halfling Human Tiefling Spells Cloud of Daggers ©...
5eDnD_新手套组_角色_中译(二校).pdf,战士 1 贵族 人类 守序中立 +2 我奉承别人时能让对方觉得自己举世无双。 17 -1 30 尺 我不喜欢干脏活,更不会因不舒适的食宿勉 强自己。 +5 16 +5 +3 12 责任 Responsibility 。身为一位贵族就有职责 保护普通百姓,而不是欺压他们。 -1
yet the dwarf towns inside this human-led faction are known for their plate armour... much better equipped than the royal knights. Now my mechanically inconsequential addition is indicative of a political situation in my world. Now my creation has a purpose, it's much more likely to be '...