Tall, sleek, and pointy-eared, The DnD Elf is a graceful being, most at home in ethereal forests. Their Darkvision and proficiency in either Insight, Perception, or Survival make them excellent stealthy scouts. Elves also have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and they enter ...
Having loving and caring features, ELF can easily impress human beings. These are the symbols of perfection in the game that drift through the air with natural grace and fairy lights. ELF Tiefling It is a humanoid belonging to the planetouch categorythat is usually greeted with a lot of star...
Grimollo the Voice Thief will steal your very words; Missus Silverbeak is a giant talking fairy owl; and Snowblind is the Knight of the Winter Wastes. By James Haek; illustrated by EIlis Goodson and Egil Thompson. Happy New Year, everybody, and let's have a great 2017 for EN5ider!