The cunning archetype only goes so far. [Art by Sharandula] More aquatic campaigns inevitably have need of pirates, which often sit somewhere between fighter and rogue in nature. Much like the ranger they have often circumstantial benefits. However, one cannot deny the flavor of a pirate having...
另一种则更常见也更友善,并且常常 精灵特质 Elf Traits 出现在人类或其他种族的群体中 (包括灰鹰的高等精灵 high 你的精灵角色拥有的各种天赋能力,都是精灵族千年淬 elves,龙枪的奎灵那斯精灵Qualinesti,还有被遗忘的国度 炼的体现。 的月精灵moon elves )。 属性值加成 Ability Score Increase 。你的敏捷加2。