For a full run-through of the best Aarakocra names, classes, and builds, check out our full Aarakocra 5e species guide. Astral Elf Size Medium Speed 30ft Ability scores +2 and +1 two different stats, or +1 any three Best classes Bard The Astral Elf 5e comes from literal, actual sp...
Oh, you thought the last playtest was long? That’s hilarious – anyway, here’s an Unearthed Arcana that’s 77 pages long. It was an in-depth revision of the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk 5e, Paladin, Ranger, and Rogue. Some of the key things to note include the fact the Bard and...
精灵姓名 Elf Names 纤瘦而优雅 Slender and Graceful 精灵通常会在百岁生日后宣布自己成年,然后为自己选 精灵因其超凡脱俗的优雅和精致的面容被人类和许多其 择一个名字。在此之前这名精灵都会被看作是个孩子,并用其 他种族视为夺心摄魄的美人。其平均身高比人类稍矮,范围约 小名作称谓。 在5 尺到6 尺之间...
Some powers of the Realms share the same names as powers generally considered to be from other spheres of existence. These powers include Oghma, Tyr, Mielikki, Loviatar, Silvanus, and most of the Mulhorandi pantheon. For purpose of travel to other crystal spheres and other planes, these Rea...
The Bardic College of Names, the Dread sorcerous origin, and the Shadowcaller tradition for the wizard make up this first chapter of forgotten lore. The Art of Peace. In a world of violence and vicious magic, monks of the Shifting Flow and the Watchful Gate audaciously dream of peace. The...
Her fists a blur as they deflect an incoming hail of arrows, a half-elf springs over a barricade and throws herself into the massed ranks of hobgoblins on the other side. She whirls among them, knocking their blows aside and sending them reeling, until at last she stands alone. Taking ...
Level 6th Casting Time 1 Action Range/Area 30 ft Components V Duration Concentration1 Minute School Enchantment Attack/Save WIS Save Damage/Effect Control (...) Choose one creature that you can see within range. The target begins a comic dance in place: shuffling, tapping its feet, and cape...
they'd both be healing half the damage they inflicted, but the wounding powers of their blades prevented that. Sick Sword had taken a total of 220 damage; another sword-dagger combination like that last one and she'd buy the farm. She had no other choice but to cast one of her 26 ni...
example: Darkvision for an Elf/Air Genasi could go a long way to help bring that character up to par with their companions. Last edited by JavaPhysics: Jun 4, 2018 #5 jeff_duh_guy View User Profile Send Message Posted Jun 6, 2018 i like playing as this race i love how you ...
Last edited by MrMax_Man: Aug 10, 2019 #5 PolarUgle View User Profile Send Message Posted Oct 31, 2019 This is NOT a mind-control spell! The charmed character regards the charmer as a Friendly Acquaintances, meaning they think of them as a best friend or friends. #6 TommyP365 View...