别称:龙后The Dragon Queen,复仇女神Nemesis of the Gods,黑暗女士the Dark Lady 圣徽: 五头龙 居住界域:Heliopolis 阵营:守序邪恶LE 神职:邪恶龙族evil dragons,邪恶的爬虫类evil reptiles,贪婪greed,切森塔地区Chessenta 信徒:彩色龙,龙巫教,邪恶龙族,邪恶的爬虫类,战士,术士,盗贼,破坏文艺者 牧师阵营:守序中立...
This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.海姆Helm(永不休眠之眼He of the Unsleeping Eyes) 涅槃境弱等神力Lesser Power of Nirvana这位神明的祭司在 国度天宇Realmspace 时,施法能力不变。 The spell casting abilities of...
【头 衔】 诸神的上古之父Ancient Father of the Gods 【阵 营】 绝对中立N 【神 力】 强大神力 已死亡 【神 职】 星stars,知识knowledge 【神 国】 ¢神国:外域Outlands/二元性之地Omeyocan ¢祈并者:外域Outlands/马兹特兰之野The Field of Maztlan 【徽 记】 星星Stars,流星meteors,黄金gold 【信 徒...
Later, the first dark Elven civilization rose in the dark. The first great empire of the dark elves was Tarun Tiwa (TELANTIWAR), founded in 9000DR, from the realm of the dwarf In the huge cave of BHAERYNDEN. However, the dark elves still scramble to revive the civilization, kill each...
Lawful neutral gods include: Azuth, god of wizards Helm, god of protection Kelemvor, god of the dead Lawful neutral characters in fiction: King Denethor (Lord of the Rings) Santa Claus Judge Dredd Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral characters put freedom and independence above all, regardless of ...
DND system of gods Magic and death goddess of wee JAS Vecna, the secret God The divine punishment cuthber. The God of the wandering The God of nature obayer Hai. The death of Nairobi (Nerull) Spider God, rose The God of fighting, Curtis ...
游荡者Rogue 施展法术Casting a Spell 术士Sorcerer 第章:法术 11 Spells 邪术师Warlock 法师Wizard 法术列表Spell Lists 法术详述Spell Descriptions 第章:个性与背景 4 Personality and Background 附录 :状态 A Conditions 角色细节Character Details 激励Inspiration 附录 :多元宇宙诸神 B Gods of the 背景Backgrounds...
在动荡之年中,阴影之王将自己伪装成弑神剑 Godsbane,而当时仍是凡人的希瑞克用这把剑杀死了谋杀之神巴尔。之后,他又将幻影女神莱拉出卖给希瑞克,让暗日夺得「幻影」神职。但当麦斯克阅读了「希瑞经」之后,他反而被自己策划的复杂阴谋反噬,这项错误几乎毁了他(也让希瑞克夺走「阴谋」神职)。更糟的是,阴影之王惹...
The hierarchies of the gods of fury, with Talos ruling over Auril, Malar, and Umberlee; many of the gods of nature, with Silvanus ranking over Eldath and Mielikki;the gods of justice and duty, with Tyr leading Ilmater and Torm;and the gods of bardic knowledge, with Oghma leading Den...
Deities from ancient cultures - the Aztecs, Egyptians, Greeks, and Welsh - were rightfully wary of the gods of misfortune. This article from Dan Head introduces the god of ill-fortune, Jinx, one of the triumvirate which also includes Fate and Fortuna. Also described is the misfortunate domain...