护甲熟练项Armor Proficiency。任何人都可以随意的着装护甲或是在手上装备盾牌。而只有拥有相应护甲熟练项的角色,才懂得如何有效地着装应用其特点。你所选择的职业会给予你相应的护甲熟练项。而如果你着装不具有熟练项的护甲时,你所有的属性检定、豁免检定、以及以力量或敏捷进行的攻击检定都会具有劣势,而且还不能在该着...
而如果你着装不具有熟练项的护甲时,你所有的属性检定、豁免检定、以及以力量或敏捷进行的攻击检定都会具有劣势,而且还不能在该着装下施展法术。 ②护甲等级Armor Class(AC) 护甲会在攻击中保护其使用者。你着装的护甲(或使用的盾牌)决定你的基础护甲等级。 ③沉重的护甲Heavy Armor 沉重的护甲会妨碍着装者迅速、隐秘...
擅长盔甲(重型)(一般专长)( Armor Proficiency ; heavy)你善于使用重型盔甲。见擅长盔甲(轻型)。见擅长盔甲(轻型)。战士、圣武士与牧师可自动获得本专长,不需选取。(轻型) 3、(一般专长)(Armor Proficiency ; light )先决条件: 擅长盔甲(轻型)、擅长盔甲(中型) 。 效果 正常 特殊擅长盔甲 你善于使用轻型盔甲。
擅长盔甲(重型)(一般专长)(Armor Proficiency;heavy) 你善于使用重型盔甲。 先决条件:擅长盔甲(轻型)、擅长盔甲(中型)。 效果:见「擅长盔甲」(轻型)。 正常:见「擅长盔甲」(轻型)。 1 / 331 / 33 DND 一般专长超魔专长与制造物品专长 特殊:战士、圣武士与牧师可自动获得本专长,不需选取。 擅长盔甲(轻型)...
With their speed, Monks make excellent strikers in combat, able to break through enemy lines and target spellcasters. Their abilities make them great damage dealers, but they can be challenging to play due to their low hit dice and lack ofDnD armorproficiency. ...
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A peerless archer gains no proficiency with any weapon or type of armor.Expert Bowyer:A peerless archer understands her weapon on a fundamental level that most trained soldiers never achieve. At 1st level, an archer gains a +3 bonus on all Craft(bow making) skill...
strength and charisma oriented character type that isn't generally represented in D&D. What would place the class higher on this list would be a bit of constitution based AC bonus in place of the heavy armor proficiency, since historically Gladiators went bare chested to show how bloody they ...
擅长盔甲(重型)(一般专长)(ArmorProficiency;heavy) 你善于使用重型盔甲。 先决条件:擅长盔甲(轻型)、擅长盔甲(中型)。 效果:见「擅长盔甲」(轻型)。 正常:见「擅长盔甲」(轻型)。 特殊:战士、圣武士与牧师可自动获得本专长,不需选取。 擅长盔甲(轻型)(一般专长)(ArmorProficiency;light) 你善于使用轻型盔甲。
15Perfected armor TheArmorer 5esubclass has a lot to offer, starting with heavy armor proficiency. Combined with the option to use magically-infuse your armor and shields with magical buffs, you can have an AC above 20 by second level, remaining the party’s toughest member for most of the...
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Deepwood snipers gain no weapon or armor proficiencies. All weapon-related abilities of this prestige class apply only to projectile ranged weapons with which the character is proficient.Keen Arrows (Ex): At 1st level, all projectiles the deepwood sniper fires behave...