带领穿越小树林中心并连接着其中众多神龛、闪闪发光的汉白玉人行道的两侧,是如入口大门般、装饰着常春藤与玫瑰的高大圆柱。魔法喷泉散布于这片小树林中,据说被附魔的喷泉水提供了以下一种或多种的类似效果:治疗药剂potions of healing、健康秘药elixirs of health、英雄气概药剂potions of heroism、无敌药剂potions of in...
英文名:Videre Elixir Spell Focus (DND)复制 这个对象能在以下地区找到:塔纳利斯(1). 建议:点击地图缩放 隐藏固定隐藏固定 相关 相同模型(88) 相同模型(88) 名称 地点 类型 中文:[DND] Spell Focus 英文:[DND] Spell Focus 其他 中文:[DNT] Spell Focus ...
Experimental Elixir gives an extra potion (or more at higher levels and/or by spending spell slots). Some of these can be really helpful, such as adding a d4 bonus to every roll for a minute. Sadly, you don’t get to choose which potions you’re given, and must roll randomly on a...
If you're looking to take more of a support role, Alchemist lends itself well. Though you'll never quite match the prowess of a Cleric when it comes to healing, you'll get a few good spells which you can add your Intelligence modifier to at level 5. And with Experimental Elixirs you...
Will your alchemist become immune to poison, or discover the Elixir of Life? Will you delve into the Science of Creation and build a homunculus, or research the Science of Destruction and devise explosives? A full 5th Edition player class only on EN5ider! Illustrated by J.E. Shields and ...
If you accidentally forget to add this phrasing to one of your wish spells, and the DM hits you with that 5 year sentence, you can always cast another wish spell in which you wish to be de-aged by 10 years, or drink an elixir of youth or two. And if one of your character classes...
长生不老仙丹 Supernal Elixir 单一目标强力持续性治疗术(最大:2000) 形变 不祥 400 大善之德 Virtue 单一目标生命值增加加持 (最大:1500) 禁断 不祥 1000 等级63 法术 法术名称 法术描述 属性 地点 魔法 诅咒之鎚 Hammer of Damnation 召唤一个高频率特攻鎚 召唤 不祥 350 卡查之圣痕 Kazad's Mark 队伍生...
魔法喷泉散布于这片小树林中,据说被附魔的喷泉水提供了以下一种或多种的类似效果:治疗药剂potions of healing、健康秘药elixirs of health、英雄气概药剂potions of heroism、无敌药剂potions of invulnerability、高级治疗药剂potions of extra-healing、以及 活力药剂potions of vitality。在小树林中可以发现献给 艾德莉·...
魔法喷泉散布于这片小树林中,据说被附魔的喷泉水提供了以下一种或多种的类似效果:治疗药剂potions of healing、健康秘药elixirs of health、英雄气概药剂potions of heroism、无敌药剂potions of invulnerability、高级治疗药剂potions of extra-healing、以及 活力药剂potions of vitality。在小树林中可以发现献给 艾德莉·...
魔法喷泉散布于这片小树林中,据说被附魔的喷泉水提供了以下一种或多种的类似效果:治疗药剂potions of healing、健康秘药elixirs of health、英雄气概药剂potions of heroism、无敌药剂potions of invulnerability、高级治疗药剂potions of extra-healing、以及 活力药剂potions of vitality。在小树林中可以发现献给 艾德莉·...