这道法术是《至高国王之厅Halls of the High King》中展示的 夜星竖琴 法术的祭司版本。传统上,只有 竖琴手Harpers、尤其是他们中旅行的吟游诗人们知晓这道强大的法术,然而它现在也为 凡德·龙刺Finder Wyvernspur的神职人员所知。这道法术的材料成分是一滴来自施法者的眼泪和一具木头、骨头或者象牙雕刻的迷你竖琴。
121 - Court of Baphomet, High King of Demonkind. Also known as the Plane of Nobles. Baphomet's layer is mazey, with various open "courtyards" that contain forests, seas, and his palace (at the centre of the plane, of course). The demon Belitfint is Baphomet's chancellor.123 - ...
别称:火鬃之王Lord Firemane,万兽之王King of the Beast 圣徽: 以绿盾为背景的狮首 居住界域:自然之殿House of Nature 阵营:守序善良LG 神职:王权Royalty,狮子与猫科动物lions and feline beasts,善良的野兽good beasts 信徒:德鲁伊,战士,领导者,圣武士,游侠,士兵,教师,半狮人Wemics 牧师阵营:守序善良LG,中...
R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 1 The Silent Blade(无声之刃) 1364/波浪之年 R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 2 The Spine of the World(世界之脊) 1365/宝剑之年 R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 3 Servant of The Shard(魔晶仆从) 1366/法杖之年 R.A.Salvatore Paths of Darkness 4 Sea of Sw...
No other environment R T The ranger moved carefully to the entrance and brought his has been the setting for so many famous roleplaying N torch forward to peer inside. He beheld a long hall, a door at adventures: The halls of Moria, the mummy’s tomb, King I its far end, but his...
Once when Master Zhuang was fishing in the Pu River, the King of Chu dispatched two officers of state to go to him in advance and announce on his behalf, "I wish to burden you with the administration of my realm." Master Zhuang held on to his pole and without turning his head said,...
高等魔法之恩惠Boon of High Magic Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ 恢复能力之恩惠Boon of Recovery 你可以用一个附赠动作,恢复等于你生命值上限一半的生命值。使用该恩惠后,你需要完成一次短休才能再次使用它。 style="mso-spacerun: yes"> ...
别称:火鬃之王Lord Firemane,万兽之王King of the Beast 圣徽: 以绿盾为背景的狮首 居住界域:自然之殿House of Nature 阵营:守序善良LG 神职:王权Royalty,狮子与猫科动物lions and feline beasts,善良的野兽good beasts 信徒:德鲁伊,战士,领导者,圣武士,游侠,士兵,教师,半狮人Wemics ...
13(佣兵三部曲) The Sepllwords R.A.Salvatore The Sepllwords 1 Servant of the Shard (魔晶仆从) R.A.Salvatore The Sepllwords 2 Promise of the Witch-King (巫王的承诺) R.A.Salvatore The Sepllwords 3 Road of the Patriarch (族长之路) ...
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship: 失落谷(也被称为塔克哈尔谷Tarkhaldale)的凡德教派声称 歌唱洞穴the Singing Cave 是他们的神殿。这座神殿中有着绝妙的音响效果,而其通道填塞着追随者们捐赠的艺术作品。在整个西央土the Western Heartlands,叛逆诗人已经完成了他的部分设想:几座献给凡德的神龛。其中有些是非常...