半身板甲Half Plate。半身板甲主要由覆盖着装者身体大部分的铸模金属板组成。不过,其腿部防护则只有由皮条系住的简单护胫。 重甲Heavy Armor 所有护甲类别中,重甲能够提供最好的保护效果。这些成套的护甲覆盖了整个身体,且其设计足以阻止各种类型的攻击。而只有相当熟练的武士才能应付其笨重与约束。 重甲无法使用你的敏捷...
尽管它并没有为四肢提供额外的防护,但其在保证着装者活动自由度的同时,为其生命器官提供了十分有效的保护效果。 ⑤半身板甲Half Plate 半身板甲主要由覆盖着装者身体大部分的铸模金属板组成。不过,其腿部防护则只有由皮条系住的简单护胫。 ※重甲Heavy Armor 所有护甲类别中,重甲能够提供最好的保护效果。这些护甲套装...
Armor class16 (half plate) Hit points65 (10d8+20) Speed30ft Strength18 Dexterity12 Constitution15 Intelligence9 Wisdom16 Charisma11 Saving throwsSTR +7, WIS +6 SkillsAcrobatics +4, Insight +6, Perception +6 SensesDarkvision (60ft), Passive Perception 16 ...
Speed: 100 ft.AC: 70 (–2 size, +30 natural, +20 insight, +12 armor [+5 half plate])Base Attack/Grapple: +52/+80 Attack: Greatsword +73 (2d6+20/17-20) melee; or boulder +55 (2d8+20/19-20) ranged Full Attack: 100 greatswords +73 (2d6+20/17-20)...
钢甲(Half-plate) +7 +0 -7 40% 全身钢甲(Full plate) +8 +1 -6 35% 盾牌小圆盾(Buckler) +1 - -1 5% 盾牌,小型,木制 +1 - -1 5% 盾牌,小型,铁制 +1 - -1 5% 盾牌,大型,木制 +2 - -2 15% 盾牌,大型,铁制 +2 - -2 15% 盾牌,塔型 ** - -10 50% 基于敏捷的AC VS 基于...
五、防御等级和护甲(AC AND ARMOR)铠甲:红龙甲Red Dragon Scale-->蓝龙甲Blue Dragon Scale 精...
Plate Armor of Etherealness (Armor (plate)) Portable Hole (Wondrous item) Potion of Animal Friendship (Potion) Potion of Clairvoyance (Potion) Potion of Climbing (Potion) Potion of Diminution (Potion) Potion of Flying (Potion) Potion of Gaseous Form (Potion) ...
Half-Plate: This armor is a combination of chainmail with metal plates (breastplate, epaulettes, elbow guards, gauntlets, tasses, and greaves) covering vital areas. Buckles and straps hold the whole suit together and distribute the weight, but the armor still hangs more loosely than full plate....
1BandedArmor2SplintMail3BreastPlate4Half-Plate5FullPlate 混织铁甲 板条甲 胸甲 半身铠甲 全身铠甲 6TowerShield7LockedGauntlet8Buckler9LargeMetalShield 塔盾[Securesyour[Strapstoyourarm] 大金属盾 weaponswithchains 小圆盾 -neverdropyour (绑在你的手上) swordagain!] 带锁手套10SpikedWoodenShield (以炼条把...
(最⼤ 2) -- 20 磅半⾝板甲 halfplate 750gp 15+敏捷调整值(最⼤ 2) - 劣势 40 磅重甲 HeavyArmor环甲 ringmial 30gp 14 - 劣势 40 磅链甲 chainmail 75gp 16 ⼒量 13 劣势 55 磅板条甲 splint 200gp 17 ⼒量 15 劣势 60 磅板甲 plate 1500gp 18 ⼒量 15 劣势 65 磅盾牌 Shield...