Walking around in two different worlds, Half-Elf is one of the most sophisticated races that includes the characters of both elf and human parents. Where they add features like curiosity and inventiveness, they are at the same time ambitious and sensible too. Half-orcs get plus two to ...
DnD Half-Elf DnD Half-Orc DnD Tiefling The 2024 rulebook replaces the Half-Elf and the Half-Orc with the following: DnD 2024 Aasimar DnD Goliath DnD Orc Alignment Your alignment determines your character’s moral compass. It’s mainly a roleplaying tool, but it occasionally has a mechanica...
Wails from the Grave is a useful combat trick. A number of times equal to their proficiency bonus per long rest, when they successfully deal Sneak Attack damage, the Phantom can target another creature within 30′ of the first and deal half as many Sneak Attack dice (rounding up) in Necro...
Uncanny Dodge –Once per turn, you use your Reaction to half the damage on a weapon attack made against the Rogue this turn. Bear in mind that using your Reaction this way will prevent you from being able to perform an Attack of Opportunity/potential extra Sneak Attack on your turn. Which...
10. Legionnaire Fighter A legionnaire in action. [Art by Liclillac] It’s quite surprising that given the role of fighters within a party that there aren’t more tankish subclasses. The Legionnaire is just that subclass, specializing in the use of a shield and protecting their teammates. ...
拟形False Appearance 。该剑停⽌⻜⾏并静⽌不动时与普通 动作 的剑⼀模⼀样。 多重攻击Multiattack 。该盔 甲发动出两次近战攻击。 动作 猛击 。 Slam 近战武器攻击 :命中+4 ,触及 5 尺,单⼀⺫标。 长剑 。 Longsword 近战武器攻击:命中+3 ,触及 5 尺,单⼀ 伤害 :5 (1d6+2)的钝击...
Speaking to her shade, they have gained new insight into the last known appearance of two of the three founders. She was seemingly sacrificed by their as yet unknown enemies; what is less clear is the nature of the involvement of one of those founding wizards. Along the way, the young ...
Long hair whipped by a conjured wind, a half-elf spreads his arms wide and throws his head back. Lifting him momentarily off the ground, a wave of magic surges up in him, through him, and out from him in a mighty blast of lightning. ...
Half-Elf Half-Orc Halfling Harengon Hobgoblin Human Kalashtar Kenku Kobold Leonin Lizardfolk Locathah Loxodon Minotaur Orc Satyr Shadar-kai Shardmind Shifter Simic Hybrid Tabaxi Tiefling Tortle Triton Vedalken Verdan Warforged Wilden Yuan-Ti
The creature's skin takes on a rough, bark-like appearance and becomes as tough as word, giving the creature a +2 bonus to AC for the duration. Cure Wounds 1st-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous You touch a creature, channeling positive energy into...