Does the monetary value of the component now negate being able to use your Pact of the Blade weapon or Shadow Blade in conjunction with Booming Blade和What is the intention between Booming/Green-Flame blades requiring a weapon with a value of at least 1sp, when no weapon has a value ...
Green-Flame Blade Spell levelCantrip Found inTasha’s Cauldron of Everything An unusual spell that will only suit some builds,Green-Flame Blade 5eallows you to make a melee attack that deals its usual damage to the target, and then it deals your Cha bonus in damage to a second target. ...
Mending (Player's Handbook) As a halfling, I've had good fun messing with Magic Stone which deals an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage on top of your spellcasting modifier when you sling rocks at your enemies. Green-Flame Blade also does a good deal of damage and has the potential to jump ...
一些神灵拥有通往位于此地的盟友国度的永久传送门。淑妮Sune和精灵爱神哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil 之间保持着一个传送门,而泰摩拉则以保持通往天堂山的半身人神国绿色原野Green Fields的门户而闻名。夏芮丝Sharess在太阳之殿有另一个小型神域,一个传送门连结了她的两个领地。 明水之域拥有奔放之野所有的自然美景...
Green-Flame Blade Evocation 1 Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous S, M Guidance Divination 1 Action Touch Concentration up to 1 minute V, S Gust Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S Hand of Radiance (UA) Evocation 1 Action 5 feet Instantaneous V, S Infestation Conjuration...
Green-Flame Blade (Open in new window) 0 Evocation 1 Action No No Sword Coast adv. guide Guardian of Faith (Open in new window) 4 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Guardian of Nature (Open in new window) 4 Transmutation 1 Bonus Action No Yes Xanathars Guide To Everything Guar...
For cantrips, you can pick up booming blade or green flame blade. For 1st-level spells, you can grab absorb elements, cure wounds, or another utility spell. PAitM Baleful Scion This is a simple, yet incredibly strong ability. Being able to output buffed damage and heal in the same ...
(臂铠教团、散塔林会等) 分享57 dnd吧 SAYZZA DND5E诡术师戏法可以触发偷袭吗就是像翠炎剑(Green-Flame Blade)这样必须近战攻击一下的戏法,在满足平A触发偷袭的条件下,可以触发偷袭吗 分享52 疯巫妖的实验日志吧 安托莉娅塔米娜 【DND5e】《冰塔峰之龙》团报基于在q群里的跑团记录稍加修订后改编的小说 背景...
A shimmering green arrow streaks toward a target within range and bursts in a spray of acid. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage immediately and 2d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the targ...
Booming Blade / Green Flame Blade 5e The melee caster starter pack. One or both of these spells is a solid pick for this rare build, and they’re worthy of mention because, while niche, they are a core part of making any melee caster work at all – potential sword-lovers can check ...