Planetars serve their gods directly, rarely leaving the Upper Planes except to carry out critical tasks or bring aid to powerful mortal servants of good (NPCs of 12th level or higher). These awe-inspiring beings are defenders of truth, avengers of fallen heroes, and messengers of the gods. ...
Fortunately, there is already a huge list ofDnD godsto draw upon spread across a load of differentD&D books. Whateversettingor style of game you’re running, there’s bound to be one that’s a good fit for yourcampaign. We’ll take you through them, and how they could be used in a...
柯瑞隆的护符效用如同一只 纯善护符talisman of pure good,他还有一柄纤细的魔杖,有着 威力法杖staff of power、大法师法杖staff of the magi 和 冰霜魔杖wand of frost 的全部威力,如有需要的话也有无限的充能次数。 在他施展法师或祭司法术之外,每轮1次,柯瑞隆可以随意施展任何一种精灵高等魔法仪式,不论是 独...
移除恐惧,圣域术,信仰之盾;2— 援助术,役使术1,人类定身术(2),护卫他人,沉默术,诚实之域;3— 致盲术/致聋术,消除隐形,反混乱法阵1,祈祷术,灼热射线(2),风墙术;4— 烈士之血(blood of the martyr)2,天国之光(celestial brilliance
神职:财富 Wealth,贸易 Trade,守护孩童与死者 protector of children and the dead 信徒:商人,兑钱商,税吏,盗贼 牧师阵营:中立善良 NG,混乱善良 CG,混乱中立 CN 神域:混乱 Chaos,善良 Good,保护 Protection,贸易 Trade 喜好武器:拖曳着金色薄雾的生命之环 An ankh trailing a golden mist(鞭子 whip) 6楼2011...
Later, the first dark Elven civilization rose in the dark. The first great empire of the dark elves was Tarun Tiwa (TELANTIWAR), founded in 9000DR, from the realm of the dwarf In the huge cave of BHAERYNDEN. However, the dark elves still scramble to revive the civilization, kill each...
He believes that using his skills for good in the twilight years of his life are his ways of repenting in the eyes of the Gods he worships.塞恩——中立善良。塞恩早先也就是个普通杀手,但是现在他却看到了世界之平衡而动用的是生者之剑。他认为要让邪恶变得太强之前阻止它。因而阻止邪恶的手段是否...
Lorna the goddess of the night The Kobold God korto Mark The orcs of the deity of Wushi Demigod of the goddess of God The God of dwarves, Latin Ke Ruilong the elf The Dragon God Tiamat Good dragon god Bahamut The sun god, morbello (Pelor) ...
College of Eloquence: These Bards are extra persuasive, which means their Bardic Inspiration is more potent than ever, and they can debuff foes with a cutting word. College of Spirits: Reach out to ghosts for extra spells, buffs, and dice to roll. College of Swords: You’re as good a ...
Although, every player has their own preferences when it comes down to choosing the best dice set for Dungeons and Dragons, it is usually a good idea (even necessary) to choose at least seven different types of dice. These seven dice types are: D4, D6, D8, D10, D10 (percentile die...