移除恐惧,圣域术,信仰之盾;2— 援助术,役使术1,人类定身术(2),护卫他人,沉默术,诚实之域;3— 致盲术/致聋术,消除隐形,反混乱法阵1,祈祷术,灼热射线(2),风墙术;4— 烈士之血(blood of the martyr)2,天国之光(celestial brilliance
Tempest Domain:Lightning and thunder damage are this Cleric’s bread and butter. They’re beefy and great at striking foes. Twilight Domain:Twilight Clerics worship gods of the night and stars, and this gives them a jack-of-all-trades toolbox of buffs, damage, and utility. For more on t...
——死亡山谷(Valley of Death)中所发现的古代卷轴写在前面:世界之敌的苏醒,末日迫近的深深恐惧——上古邪物扩展书《上古邪物》(Elder Evil)旨在为广大桌面游戏爱好者提供建立一个“启示录般”战役的模版和案例。作为一个启示录般的战役,最重要的元素就是加入足够强大的存在,这些存在其传说、目的、计划、能力乃至...
不死风暴the Storms of Undeath、耐瑟瑞尔Netheril 的消逝、以及 归无之西风the Zephyrs of Unbecoming;即使安南在其中扮演了什么角色,他也从未提起,而贤者们哪怕耗费他们的一生,最终也顶多只能整理记录这尊化身行走于他们的世界的
Dragon’s blood runs through the veins of the Dragonborn D&D race, and their Breath Weapon means they can spout flames, acid or even lightning thanks to their draconic heritage. Proud and independent, their Charisma and Strength boosts mean that Dragonborns make powerfulPaladins,WarlocksorBarbarians...
She stepped back and waved her hand, and the lightning bars of the cage reappeared, Drizzt’s three companions still inside. Jarlaxle and Entreri stared at him, their expressions giving him the distinct impression that they were well aware of his conversation.“If you cannot be a hero ...
Wizards are supreme magic-users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the cosmos, wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, brute-force mind control, and much more. ...
dnd神系(DNDisgod)dnd神系(DND is god)This is the origin of the dark elves; thirteen thousand years ago, in the Forgotten Realms on the elves each other off the "crown war", from a war for three thousand years. Ai river reach (ARYVANDAAR) Mai Ye Lee Kobita (MIYERITAR), Santa ...
冲击波、疫病虫群 Cleric Level Spells 1st fog cloud, thunderwave 3rd gust of wind, shatter 5th call lightning, sleet storm 7th control water, ice storm 9th destructive wave, insect plague 额外熟练 Bonus Proficiencies 1级起,你熟练使用军用武器、重甲。风暴狂怒 Wrath of the Storm 1级起,你可以...
When this bullet strikes its target the attack deals lightning damage instead of its normal damage type. They also must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned by electric shocks, and drop anything they are carrying, until the end of their next turn. ...