s not quite clear whether she even counts as a 5e deity – different sources give different information. She has no physical form and is rumoured to have been mortal once – some sort of sorcerer or ancient elven queen, her name since lost to time. Now she’s a D&D god of death… ...
有时候,有些其祂神祇也被与祂们归为一体:死亡巨龙the Death Dragon 库罗尼普斯Chronepsis 掌管着时间、命运和永恒的秩序。库罗尼普斯从不开口、或是与其祂存在沟通,如果他知晓万物的终结,也从未吐露分毫。在某些龙类神话中,这位沉默的神祇被视作埃欧的存在在多个世界的绝对平衡的延伸的投影之叠加。正如埃欧化作了万...
·白色死神的王冠White Death's Diadem:链魔執鏈者velstrac demagogues 印加瑞克斯Inkariax的神域,司掌绝对寒冷与孤独的微弱神,与朵萝拉丝有着强烈共鸣,一直在积极追求她,双方的信徒也多有合作。(链魔執鏈者是链魔的君主,是一群獨特的神祇,被凡物崇拜的同时,他們通過體驗痛苦帶來新的啟示,並通過疼痛增強身體來獲...
The ancient god of death (Jergal) The earth mother goddess and Ti Asia (Chauntea) The goddess of doom Saba (Beshaba) Auril, the winter goddess The God of storm, the tower of fire The goddess of Laoweita abuse The God of suffering, IL Matt ...
TheDnD Dragongod of deathNullhas a few different domains that are thought to have spanned across multiple planes at varying times – including the Shadowfell. It figures, but we don’t know much more than that. Shar Some legends claimShar– the Mistress of the Night, DnD god of shadows ...
12.律令即死/Power Word Death:十一环惑控术 施法时间:1个附赠动作 范围:100英里 要素:手势S 持续时间:瞬间 效果:你口念律令,迫使范围内你选定的任意数量生物死亡。生命值大于1000的生物和高等神明/Greater Deities不受此法术效果影响。 笔者注:这个法术的法术名Power Word Death应译为律令死亡,而我们熟知的九环...
【微弱神力 Demogod】 Sebek赛贝克 (鳄鱼之神) 别称:鳄鱼之王 Lord of Crocodiles,含笑之死 Smiling Death 圣徽: 长角与戴着羽毛头饰的鳄鱼头 居住界域:太阳之殿 Heliopolis 阵营:中立邪恶 NE 神职:危险的湍流 river hazards,鳄鱼 crocodiles,鳄鱼人 werecrocodiles,湿地 wetlands 信徒:德鲁伊,鳄鱼栖息地的住民,游...
——死亡山谷(Valley of Death)中所发现的古代卷轴写在前面:世界之敌的苏醒,末日迫近的深深恐惧——上古邪物扩展书《上古邪物》(Elder Evil)旨在为广大桌面游戏爱好者提供建立一个“启示录般”战役的模版和案例。作为一个启示录般的战役,最重要的元素就是加入足够强大的存在,这些存在其传说、目的、计划、能力乃至...
- not good, but reminicent of memories he cannot recall - after death and before resurection - full party in sewers - norman enters seeing all the dead bodies - osiris handing out box lunches with our names on them - meat water is going into almost invisible grate - norman **1** const...
•Way of the Four Elements •Way of the Kensei •Way of the Long Death •Way of the Open Hand •Way of Shadow •Way of the Sun Soul Unearthed Arcana(a) None Available Quick Links •Disciplines ThePaladin Whether sworn before a god's altar and the witness of a priest, in ...