Globe of Invulnerability only works once fully cast so it would keep any level of Dispel Magic from working though. Honestly if I were a DM I'd rule Counterspell would potentially work I think Charred meant other spells cast from within an existing globe, is difficult to counter. #12 sks...
次等法术无效结界(Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser):停止1级到3级法术的效果。 移除诅咒(Remove Curse):把目标物品或人从诅咒中解放。 石肤术(Stoneskin M):忽略每次攻击所造成的10点伤害 (巨龙之书)防龙类灵光(Antidragon Aura M):盟友们获得针对龙类的AC和豁免。 万法大全)(完美奥术)集体抵抗元素伤害(Resis...
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser 次级法术无效结界VSM 单动作 10ft 1轮/级(D) 无否 产生以你为中心的半径10ft的球体,压制一级至三级的法术效果 PHB236Ilyykur’s Mantle 艾利克保护膜VSM 单动作 个人 1轮/级(D) 无否 对抗法术的豁免检定获得+1/3级的幸运加值(最大+5),获得10点电击抗力.材料:50GP ...
3. 术士/法师的4级法术 - 次等法术无效结界(Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser):停止1级到3级法术的效果。- 移除诅咒(Remove Curse):从诅咒中解放目标物品或人。- 石肤术(Stoneskin M):忽略每次攻击所造成的10点伤害。- 集体抵抗元素伤害(Resist Energy,Mass):指定生物忽略选定能量类型造成...
每项1/日:法术无效结界globe of invulnerability,异界传送plane shift,传送法阵teleportation circle,立场墙wall of force灵能护体Psychic Defense。当造物师未着装任何护甲也未持用任何盾牌时,它的AC将加上它的感知调整值。动作多重攻击Multiattack。造物师发动三次徒手打击。徒手打击Unarmed Strike。近战武器攻击:命中+...
spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability)...
Globe of Invulnerability (6th-level Abjuration) Glyph of Warding (3rd-level Abjuration) Goodberry (1st-level Transmutation) Grease (1st-level Conjuration) Greater Invisibility (4th-level Illusion) Greater Restoration (5th-level Abjuration) Guardian of Faith (4th-level Conjuration) ...
Globe of Invulnerability (6th-level Abjuration) Glyph of Warding (3rd-level Abjuration) Goodberry (1st-level Transmutation) Grease (1st-level Conjuration) Greater Invisibility (4th-level Illusion) Greater Restoration (5th-level Abjuration) Guardian of Faith (4th-level Conjuration) ...
5环(3法术位):毕格比之手,探知scrying,力场墙wall of force6环(1法术位):法术无效结界globe of invulnerability7环(1法术位):传送术teleport8环(1法术位):创造半位面9环(1法术位):流星爆*大法师在进入战斗前对自身施展这些带标记的法术。 12楼2022-08-30 13:39 回复 ...
Wall of Force Keep up the theme of manipulating battle rather than dealing all-out damage. Hold Monster and Wall of Force makes it even harder for foes to hit your party, for example. Level six spells Globe of Invulnerability An Abjuration spell that protects you from damn-near any spell ...