1. Premise: what kind of monster is it? Before you start creating cool abilities and attacks, think about what itis. And I just don’t mean to decide if it will be a giant spider or a chimera—think about what you want your players to feel when they encounter it. Want them ...
本书还供了一些出没在 一只怪物的资料信息基本集中在其资料板 stat block 中 海洋世界的生物,比如,邪恶的沙华鱼人,以及与之敌对的善 述,其内供了运作一只怪物所需要的各种要点信息。 良水生精灵。这些水生领域也是充满惊奇的冒险地带: • 一片沉船的墓地,徘徊着鲨鱼,水生食尸鬼,以及愤怒的幽 体型Size 魂 怪物...
If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature’s bonus instead of yours. If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you can’t use them. When you transform, you assume the beast’s hit points and Hit ...