A good DM will enforce that you call all the other players by their character names, so make sure yours is funny. Try a dick or poop joke here. Alternately, you can just use this character name generator and see what happens. Character Sheets Now that you've chosen your race, class, ...
When paired with a fighter of the melee class, centaurs are an excellent choice. Being a Barbarian, Paladin, or Fighter will bring you a lot of joy due to the +2 STR and the ability to now add +1 to CON and DEX. Centaur Kalashtar ...
The Barbarian Survivalist is able to to display impressive reliance; the Fighter Sentinel excels when her back is to the wall; the Monk Acrobat can backflip and wall-run with the best of them; the Paladin Oath of Discovery deems the quest for knowledge to be the noblest of pursuits; the ...