So Earth exists in the Forgotten Realms. Not just some version of Earth, but specifically ours. The wizard Elminster is known for apparently going to Ed Greenwood (creator of the Forgotten Realms) and hanging out in his kitchen. As well as this, it turns out that foxes were never native ...
而关于神祇力量的高低,在DND设定中,以神力进行划分。在修订版《被遗忘国度战役设定集(Forgotten Realms...
FR——《被遗忘的国度》战役背景(Forgotten Realms) FRCS——《被遗忘国度战役设定集》(Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) FRSM——《银月联盟》(Forgotten Realms Silver Marches)(被遗忘国度北地设定集) F&P——《费伦信仰与神系介绍》(Faiths and Pantheons))(被遗忘国度设定集) GH——《灰鹰》战役背景(Greyha...
He is considered to be more powerful than other powers in that he was able to consign almost all the Forgotten Realms deities to the surface of Faerûn during the Time of Troubles, and he is also considered to be outside the ranking system, in the same way that teachers are outside ...
D&D deities range from the benevolent to the despicable. When you want to pray for aid or have a foe in need of smiting, these are the best DnD gods.
耐瑟书中的无限只代表卡傻子的个人观点,所以就算卡傻子克服了一系列问题(比如凡人无法承受神力、能力不足无法掌控魔网、仅仅只被削弱的魔法女神) 分享727 迦南之心吧 赫姆提卡 【搬运】著名的魔幻世界——被遗忘的国度详细介绍被遗忘的国度(Forgotten Realms)是龙与地下城中资料最丰富,设定最完整的战役背景,同时也是...
(Demihuman Deities) 》– 作者:EricBoyd《崔斯特.杜垩顿(Drizzt’s Do' Urden's)的幽暗地域指南(Guideto theUnderdark)》 作者: Eric LBoyd第三版《信仰与众神(Faithsand Pantheons) 》–作者:EricL Boyd《被遗忘的国度战役设定(TheForgotten Realms Campaign Setting )》 作者:Greenwood,Reynolds, ...
龙与地下城 DUNGEONS DRAGONS ,DD ,威世智海岸巫师 Wizard of the Coast ,被遗忘国度 Forgotten Realms , 关于“龙与”的标签,以及 《玩家手册》《怪物图鉴》《城主指南》和任何威世智出版物的名称与其 logo 的合法版权均属于美国威 世智及其别国分公司。未经威世智许可,禁止复制或未经授权而使用任何其中的...
(传奇等级)l Strifeleader 冲突挑动者l Sword Dancer 刃舞者l Techsmith 技术工匠l Waveservant 水波仆人l Wear of Purple 紫袍人l Windwalker 风行者FORGOTTEN REALMS CAMPAIGN SETTING 被遗忘国度战役设定l Arcane Devotee 奥术皈依者l Archmage 大法师l Divine Champion 神力战士l Divine Disciple 神力信徒l Divine ...