and the trailing motes of light behind it her tears. She is also a goddess of stars and navigation as well as motherhood and reproductive cycles. She is seen as a calm power, frequently venerated by female humans as well as by a mix of other folk:navigators and sailors, those who work...
你获得一个工匠工具的熟 Ironfist、罗德尔Loderr、鲁格Lutgehr、伦纳海姆Rumnaheim、 练项,从以下项目中自选其一:铁匠工具,酿酒工具或石匠工 史特拉肯Strakeln、托伦Torunn 、乌加特Ungart 具。 石中精妙 Stonecunning 。每当你对一件石制品的起源做 从不轻信 Slow to Trust 智力(历史)检定时,你视为具有历史技能...
"Munchkinism" — also known as "power gaming," "min-maxing," "twinking," playing "Monty Haul" characters, and playing "disgusting characters"— is the fine art of creating the most super indestructable killing machine character imaginable. I use the term "character" here loosely because ...