Like a mountain climber. One barely grasping on while the other more adept one scales up faster than you can walk the same distant horizontally. Having a climb speed on the other hand lets you climb surfaces not normally able to be climbed such as the smooth stone wa...
” 山地矮人 Mountain Dwarf 作为一名坚强而健壮的山地矮人,你习惯于崎岖山地的 矮人特质 Dwarf Traits 艰苦生活。你肤色较浅,而身材在矮人中算是高个子。费伦大 陆北部的盾矮人 shield dwarf ,以及龙枪设定中掌权的海勒 你的矮人角色拥有一系列与生俱来的能力。这是矮人一 Hylar 氏族和贵族阶级的达瓦Daewar 氏族...
This feat may be taken multiple times, once per skill. You may reroll any Diplomacy or Gather Information check. You must take the new result. You can always 'Take 10' on Concentration checks. You can always 'Take 10' on Climb checks. +2 bonus to Hide & Move Silently checks. Use ...
” 山地矮人 Mountain Dwarf 作为一名坚强而健壮的山地矮人,你习惯于崎岖山地的 矮人特质 Dwarf Traits 艰苦生活。你肤色较浅,而身材在矮人中算是高个子。费伦大 陆北部的盾矮人 shield dwarf ,以及龙枪设定中掌权的海勒 你的矮人角色拥有一系列与生俱来的能力。这是矮人一 Hylar 氏族和贵族阶级的达瓦Daewar 氏族...