Waves of Exhaustion 枯竭之波 VS 单动作 60ft 立即 无可 锥形效果,使区域内生物陷入力竭状态 PHB301 22楼2014-06-01 00:44 回复 云天道长 纯白祥云 8 ◎八级法术 8-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLSAvascular Mass 血管异变 VS 单动作 近距 特殊 强韧 P 可 射线效果,使目标生物当前HP减半,并且震慑1轮,...
耗损wasting,衰败decay,腐化corruption,寄生生物parasites,老龄old age,疲惫exhaustion,黄昏dusk,秋季autumn 别名ALIASES:纳'撒尔N'asr(安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch,在 贝戴蛮族the Bedine 中) 神国名DOMAIN NAME:从前:奥伊诺斯Oinos/骸骨城堡Bone Castle;目前:飘荡在 星界the Astral Plane 中...
On a successful save, the character's exhaustion level decreases by one level. If a successful saving throw reduces the infected creature's level of exhaustion below 1, the creature recovers from the disease. Sight Rot This painful infection causes bleeding from the eyes and eventually blinds ...
耗损wasting,衰败decay,腐化corruption,寄生生物parasites,老龄old age,疲惫exhaustion,黄昏dusk,秋季autumn 别名ALIASES:纳'撒尔N'asr(安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch,在 贝戴蛮族the Bedine 中) 神国名DOMAIN NAME:从前:奥伊诺斯Oinos/骸骨城堡Bone Castle;目前:飘荡在 星界the Astral Plane 中...
At level three, specialize in the Path of the Berserker. Though the Frenzy class feature comes with the fiendish downside of causing you a level of exhaustion, it also lets you make a single melee attack each turn as a bonus action while you are Raging. ...
Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes necrotic damage equal to 2d10 + your warlock level. You then gain 1 level of exhaustion. Once you use this reaction, you can’t do so again until you finish 1d4 long rests. Spirit Projection At 14th level, your spirit...
reaction, the cost being you gain a level of exhaustion. Like Chronal Shift,Convergent Futureworks on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks, but this time instead of a re-roll, you just select whatever number you want (20 or 1 seem like popular picks). No need to take a risk...
days (1 day minimum). At the end of each day beyond that, suffer one level of exhaustion (see conditions). CLIMB / SWIM (at ½ speed) WATER (one gallon per day) May involve a Str (Athletics) check if the 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0...
area safely for a number of weeks equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 week). Thereafter, each time you finish a long rest in the area, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion that can't be removed while you remain in the area...
Auto exhaustion effects No automatic exhaustion effects Tidy5e - Apply integrated effects (uses Active Effects) --- Custom exhaustion effect icon modules/tidy5e-sheet/images/exhaustion.svg --- --- Disable exhaustion tracker Disabled --- Show trait labels Disabled Enabled ---Sheet...